Using CVS in an design enviroment

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Guenther Sohler, Apr 29, 2005.

  1. Hallo,

    In our place we use a lot of scripts around cadence to make the design
    flow smoothly.
    Sometimes these scripts get improved and therefore edited.
    On the other hand - to guarantee reproducability of older design data,
    older "projects" must see the old scripts
    In our place those scripts are stored in a global place on the system.
    If I want to improve script, I ideally have to copy all the script tree to
    have a new version and do the changes there.
    To test a new sub - script, I also have to adapt an main script to refer
    to the new sub - script to test.
    Finally during testing I want only me to use the new script under test,
    all the others should still see and use the older (stable) script.

    In ClearCase it is possible to see a dedicated version of a file in the
    absolute same unix path. That means a user using a script does not have to
    care about versions of script every time he calls it - just once when
    setupping which version to see.

    So there comes my big questions:

    Is there a way to use CVS(or its successor(s)) in a way to achieve the
    wanted behaviour ?
    How would I have to install/setup/use/handle it ?
    Were would the scripts be installed ? Where would I call them from ?

    Hope to get some answers.
    Guenther Sohler, Apr 29, 2005
  2. CVS would require you to set branch tags and to communicate to the user
    which branch tag he is supposed to check out the first time he checks
    out from the repository. When you later do a revision to the branch, you
    can move the tag, and the end user will be able to discover that there
    are newer data available if he wants to know.

    For most users the initial check out from the repository is so difficult
    that most users avoid using CVS. This is my experience from revision
    control during the last years. If your organization has some kind of
    'project management' wrapper then the cvs stuff could be integrated.

    Advantage with CVS is that the user can use his brain and help you debug
    the scripts as there are functions for creating patches. Downside is
    that each user has his/her own copy of the script. CVS is not very good
    with soft-links.
    Svenn Are Bjerkem, Apr 29, 2005
  3. Guenther Sohler

    G Vandevalk Guest

    One way that I used was to dedicate a "user" as the design system owner.

    We than created a design system that was built by "cron" at known intervals.
    The entire system was stored in CVS (except a few custom binaries and

    The library <system_lib_paths>/TechX/current was a symlink to the
    The library <system_lib_paths>/TechX/{P,W,D,} was a symlink to the latest
    controlled library

    The library <system_lib_paths>/TechX/<date_string> was a recently built
    used for bug fixes/fixing/testinh

    The library <system_lib_paths>/TechX/<n>{P,W,D,S}<nn> was a name sepcifing a
    docimented (ISO)
    release that had gone onto some level of testing. These were archived and
    Each letter indicated the level of control . P- Preliminary, W- Working
    Copy, D - corporate Document,
    S - Corporate standard.

    The "user" required constant monitoring and maintainance ...

    -- Good luck. It is the exceptions and management (and developers) buy in
    that really
    helps to build such a system.

    -- G
    G Vandevalk, Apr 29, 2005
  4. Guenther Sohler

    jayl-news Guest

    All the scripts in questions go under CVS in a single
    repository. Any time you want to save a particular
    configuration of scripts, you 'cvs commit' them and
    then 'cvs tag tagname'.

    Thereafter, if you want to re-create that that set of
    scripts elsewhere, you 'cvs checkout -r tagname'.
    Anywhere you want.
    Anywhere you want. :) Usually, you would set
    $PATH for all users on a particular project.

    jayl-news, Apr 29, 2005
  5. Guenther Sohler

    fogh Guest


    In my case I have the proper level of control without using a CVS/RCS
    Here is how it is setup:
    - there are 2 directories with SKILL : dev and stable
    - normal users have only stable in their skillpath
    - EDA user has dev before stable in his skillpath
    - when a dev file is tested/qualified, rsync is used to copy to the stable
    - all the SKILL in both dev and stable does is define functions and
    variables, it has no side effect on the design framework.
    - projects have a cdsinit that loads SKILL files (from stable, since the
    skill path has only that one.) and calls them for their side effects.

    I may one day improve with autoload, so that projects code does not
    need to explicitly load the files. But I so far don t feel the need for CVS.
    fogh, May 1, 2005
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