Using custom page size crashes AutoCAD 2000...

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by rlindsey, Jun 3, 2004.

  1. rlindsey

    rlindsey Guest

    I have a 3 particular users (the only ones at our company that use AutoCAD) that seem to all be crashing during the same set of circumstances, and haven't been able to find exactly what I'm looking for after hours of searching, so am now hoping someone can help me with this...

    Now this is the first time I've been approached with this problem, so it could be the file they're actually trying to plot, but something tells me it isn't, because they can work around it the issue that's popping up...

    Apparently, if they go to plot this image on our network plotter, an HP DesignJet 800ps, and they go through all the work of setting up the page size they want to use, and all the little details CAD people enter when they set up something to be plotted, it'll go through no problem, and that's on any of the 3 computers...

    But, if (on any of the 3 machines), they go into Settings->Printers, and actually create those settings as a custom page size and save it, and then try to use those saved settings to plot the image with, they crash every time with a runtime error in acad.exe, and it just says abnormal program termination...

    Please tell me this is something you've seen before and there is an easy fix :) I've read references to having to go to the HP website and do something tricky w/ the driver for related problems on the DJ 800's and 500's, but wasn't able to find anything on there about it...

    The software details for all 3 of the systems are Windows 2000 SP3, AutoCAD 2000 release 4... Any help at all would be appreciated, because I've watched this person go through the steps of customizing her print job each time and it's a pretty lengthy process, I'm sure it'd be nice for her to be able to just save and recall those settings consistently :)

    Thanks in advance.
    Richard Lindsey.
    rlindsey, Jun 3, 2004
  2. rlindsey

    RickW Guest

    Don't know if this will help...

    Is this the same drawing? I've run into a similar problem where a drawing will plot fine on the big plotter and crash when trying to print to a reduced size like 11X17. The problem has been related to hatch patterns in the drawing. If I freeze the hatch patterns for the reduced drawing, the problem goes away.
    RickW, Jun 4, 2004
  3. rlindsey

    rlindsey Guest

    Yes, it's the same drawing... if the drawing is loaded into autocad, and the print settings are manually set to send off to the plotter, it will print just fine, but if, in the same drawing, they decide to go into the settings and create all those print settings as a custom page setup (so they don't have to re-enter them everytime they plot), and then use those settings to plot, it crashes w/ an abnormal program termination...
    rlindsey, Jun 7, 2004
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