Using calculator functions?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by mail9900, Jan 14, 2005.

  1. mail9900

    mail9900 Guest

    Hello, I was trying to use the calculator functions to set up the
    outputs in ADE for plotting (eventually we'll move to command line,
    netlist driven simulation) For examples, dB20(VF("/V0")/VF("/Vin")) for
    the gain. However, this turned out to be an invalid SKILL expression.
    But isn't calculator functions were written with SKILL code???
    I know I could use dB20(getData("/V0" ?result "ac")...... but it's a
    bit cumbersome to use such a lengthy statement. Any way around it?
    mail9900, Jan 14, 2005
  2. Hello,
    hmm, I think it should be a valid Skill expression.
    The exact error message could be helpfull ....
    Perhaps you forgot to openResults() before?

    The only problem I had with those calculator expressions
    was, that they show sometimes strange effects due to data caching.
    (especially on psf data created by other simulator sessions)
    A skill sript which converts it into Ocean commands (getData(), v(), i())
    fixed all the problems.

    Sylvio Triebel, Jan 20, 2005
  3. mail9900

    fogh Guest

    If you really mean to go netlist level ( a level lower than ocean
    scripts ) , you can probably convert your outputs so they get store in
    the psf. I did this once, but can remember well how. That was not with
    and info statement... I think it was with "export" and "ocnEval" or stg
    like that...

    That's how one makes newgroups messages that are really not helping :]
    fogh, Jan 21, 2005
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