using autocad14 w/ XP

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by sen, Feb 14, 2008.

  1. sen

    sen Guest

    After changing harddisk, rising ram
    and reinstalled XPproff with servicepack 2
    and reinstalled autocad14. I get an issue when
    unloading autocad.: memmory could not be read.
    Has installed all updates from acads download
    Should someone here know how to repair this?.
    -Thanks very much for an answer!.
    sen, Feb 14, 2008
  2. No fix that I know of. No harm in it other than the annoyance factor.
    Michael Bulatovich, Feb 14, 2008
  3. sen

    Sen Guest

    You´re right about this. I probably have to live with it.
    On my Vista machine it wont load. -That´s a lot worse!.

    Sen, Feb 14, 2008
  4. Don't get me started on Vista....
    Michael Bulatovich, Feb 14, 2008
  5. sen

    Paul Turvill Guest

    Ironic isn't it? In my recent experience, Vista is the dominant reason so
    many knowledgeable folks are avoiding investing in a new computer. My lawyer
    recently paid a premium for a new box because he insisted on one with XP
    Paul Turvill, Feb 15, 2008
  6. We had an old ME box that was dying, and software compatibility issues had
    been a problem on that machine for some time, so when we decided to buy a
    new one we got Vista despite all the know problems, figuring that they'd fix
    them with a service pack....NOT!

    We got it mainly to take advantage of the media center features, which work
    well enough, but for a working machine it's been a nightmare. We now have
    software problems of a different variety, only we're out a stack of money.

    Vista was a mistake. For those avoiding...keep avoiding. M$ don't seem
    concerned about their reputation at all.
    Michael Bulatovich, Feb 15, 2008
  7. sen

    Robert Guest

    Robert, Feb 15, 2008
  8. sen

    Robert Guest

    maybe run cad in compatibility mode could help too!
    Robert, Feb 15, 2008
  9. sen

    Robert Guest

    omg the more i search the more i find options up to you to find out the one
    that achieves the best results.

    Best of luck in the trial and error persuit.

    Robert, Feb 15, 2008
  10. sen

    Sen Guest

    I´ve tryed this in all it´s different ways.
    The XP is running on an old AMD-XP2.0 machine.
    -This is a single core machine. The Vista machine
    is a dual core. I made an update from autocads
    support side. The dual core issue is among these
    update files. But the issue still persist after the update.
    The eventlog reports the issue being related to a
    file ntdll.dll.
    Search on MSDN and Google reveal several thoussands
    alike issues related to that file.
    These OS generated eventlogs is all useless to the general
    user -like me. As Microsofts downward compatibility
    from new operating systems decreases as years go by,
    a really effectively troubleshooting software is needed.
    -I dont know of any.
    In fact, Microsoft operating systems has become that
    huge, that not even Microsoft can handle full control
    of their own program development any longer. a
    Thanks for you care.

    Sen, Feb 16, 2008
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