using area in new infosnap

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by lane, Jan 14, 2004.

  1. lane

    lane Guest

    twimc (chris?)

    I know i should be asking this at viecon but i haven't worked that one
    out yet. In the old version of infosnap you were able to divide area
    over 1000,000 so that mm2 would be converted to m2 when using
    tentative to retrieve. Is there a way to do this in v8 infosnap? My
    maths isn't that good and I worry that one day i will make a schoolboy
    error in taking off areas.


    lane, Jan 14, 2004
  2. Is there a way to do this in v8 infosnap?

    Of course it is.
    Download the 1.0.2 and take a look into the release notes (SCALE stuff).

    BTW, 1.0.3 is due within a week or so, so make a habit of looking into
    our download site ( at least once a month!
    Chris Zakrewsky, Jan 14, 2004
  3. Chris
    Isn't there two problems with this
    a/ it also affects distance- which I prefer to be mm allways
    b/ there is a rounding (?) of value-digits so that 5501 mm turns into 6

    I'd like the distance/lenght to be full mm and area to be m2 allways.

    If possible.
    Thomas Voghera, Jan 14, 2004
  4. Hi,

    Ad a:
    This will be addressed in upcoming update.

    Ad b:
    Rounding is dictated by your DGN Settings (coordinate readout) -- if
    it is set there to show whole units (no decimals) only, you will receive only
    whole units. In your example, 5.501 rounds up to 6, and 5.499 rounds
    down to 5.
    Chris Zakrewsky, Jan 15, 2004
  5. The new commands seems fine Chris.
    Thomas Voghera, Jan 19, 2004
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