Using an auxilliary coordinate system to position in an assy

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Phil Evans, Feb 3, 2005.

  1. Phil Evans

    Phil Evans Guest

    We need to be able to send models to our clients that they can position
    correctly in their assemblies. Sending a model that does not have an origin
    at the same place as the customers assy origin causes problems to locate the
    part correctly. If I create an auxilliary coord system in my part, at the
    correct assy origin position, how can my customer use it to line up with his
    assy, so far, auxilliary coord systems look pretty and that all. It would be
    nice if auxilliary coord systems could actually be used for placement of

    Any suggestions? Am I missing something?
    Phil Evans, Feb 3, 2005
  2. In what format are you sending the files? If you are sending them as IGES,
    STEP, or Parasolid, I think that you can specify that the part use the new
    coordinate system instead of the default.

    If I'm wrong about that, you could try moving the bodies to the new origin,
    in the right orientation. If that causes problems, because you already use
    the default origin and planes for assembly, you could possibly make another
    configuration where the body is moved to the new origin, then use that
    configuration to make your export files.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Feb 3, 2005
  3. Phil Evans

    Phil Evans Guest

    Thanks, It would be a nice improvement if the auxilliary coord sytem was a
    pickable entity when moving or positioning models in assemblies, that way a
    model could be positioned by selecting auxilliary coord systems in in other
    models as well.
    Phil Evans, Feb 3, 2005
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