using a lisp memory address

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Phil, Aug 17, 2003.

  1. Phil

    Phil Guest

    Is there a way to take the raw address of memory of a simple text

    like something equivalent to this pseudo code:

    (setq st "test string")
    (addressof st)

    I am writing a small win98 asm utility program to copy text to the
    clipboard since lisp has no such facility.
    Phil, Aug 17, 2003
  2. Phil

    Kevin Nehls Guest

    Kevin Nehls, Aug 17, 2003
  3. Phil

    Phil Guest

    thx, didn't know about it but I see it is arx file.
    I am running toolkit lisp enabler with autocad LT
    and it doesn't accept arx file.

    I already wrote a small 3k assembly program to use with
    lisp winapp command, but it will be limited to
    the command-line arg limit of 128bytes.

    This suits me fine but if I could access mem location
    of any string length, I could modify my program to accept
    the larger strings if needed in future.
    Phil, Aug 17, 2003
  4. Phil

    R.K. McSwain Guest

    Since this is the customization group., it sounds like Phil is trying to write his own routine, not rely on a third party app.
    R.K. McSwain, Aug 18, 2003
  5. Phil

    Kevin Nehls Guest

    I know full well what this group is. I've been here for over 5 years.
    Many people use DOSLib to extend the abilities of LISP and I suggested
    it because I didn't know if Phil knew about it's functionality. As it
    turns out he's using LT so he can't use the ARX without a 3rd party add-on.

    I'm suer if Phil was using that 3rd party add-on or the "full" version
    of AutoCAD he'd use that instead of his little Assembly program.

    DOSLib is 100% geared towards customization. I know of NO end users,
    who don't do customization that, use it for getting their work done.

    I see you don't have any suggestions on how to access a memory address
    through AutoLISP. Why did you reply?
    Kevin Nehls, Aug 18, 2003
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