Using 2-port parameters in simulation (possible?).

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by JonDole, Sep 9, 2004.

  1. JonDole

    JonDole Guest

    Hello all,

    Is it possible to use Z (or Y, h, S etc..) parameters with a SPICE-based
    simulator?. If so, is there any limitation on the kind of simulation that
    can be done e.g transient, AC, PSS etc...?


    JonDole, Sep 9, 2004
  2. JonDole

    Spaceghost Guest

    Couldn't you use controlled sources?
    Spaceghost, Sep 9, 2004
  3. In spectre you have a component "nport" which allows s-parameters to be
    specified to describe the response of a multi-port component.

    This then works in all spectre analyses. Note, prior to IC5141 you had to use
    the interpolation method "rational" (a parameter for nport) in order to simulate
    using SpectreRF large signal analyses (pss, qpss, envlp). From IC5141 you can
    use the standard "spline" or "linear" interpolation methods which are more
    robust and more accurate (and are the same methods that are used in transient).

    You do of course need to be careful about the quality of your s-parameter data,
    since it is quite possible to describe things in the frequency domain which lead
    to non-causal behaviour when translated into the time domain (for example,
    you can have s-parameters which represent a constant phase shift at all
    frequencies, or an ideal delay - both cause trouble when it is trying to find a
    time domain representation of this, and can lead to instability during transient


    Andrew Beckett, Sep 9, 2004
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