userCmdLineOption and Multi Thread Support

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Debjit, Dec 22, 2009.

  1. Debjit

    Debjit Guest

    Hi All,

    I am facing the following problems.

    My spectre version is "sub-version" and icfb version is
    Whenever I am trying to fire the simulation using the spectre or
    spectreVerilog simulator, the simulation is not running from the GUI
    interface and complaining about the value of the userCmdLineOption . I
    have set it in the Environemnt options of the ADE window as " +lqt 900
    +lqs 30" . But the simulation is running fine from command line
    using ./runSimulation. Can any one please suggest what should be the
    values of the above two parameters so that I can run the simulation
    form the GUI interface?

    In the option of the "Simulation -> Analog -> Options" of the ADE
    window , I have found a tab named "MULTI-THREADING OPTIONS" where on/
    off options for the multi-threads are given and an entry field for the
    number of the threads are given. Can any one suggest how to use the
    Multi-Threading options for the simulation in Cadence?

    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks and Regards....


    Debjit, Dec 22, 2009
  2. Debjit wrote, on 12/22/09 11:22:
    Hi Debjit,

    Can you post the log file (including the top) from spectre where it is
    complaining about the license queueing options? I think the most likely
    explanation is that you're not using the version of spectre you think you are,
    but either way the exact error and info from the top of the log file could help.

    For multi-threading options; this is an older option which allowed some limited
    multi-threading of the device equation evaluation for bsim3/bsim4 models. It has
    been really replaced by the Spectre Turbo and APS options, which give further
    speedup - so I would look at those.

    You should see a Setup->Turbo/Parasitic Reduction menu in ADE. This is how you
    enable Turbo. You can specify the number of threads, or let it decide automatically.

    This menu will be extended (in IC5141 ISR141) to also support APS from MMSIM72;
    there's now a unified use model. Before then, you need to pick "aps" as a
    separate simulator in ADE.

    APS (Accelerated Parallel Simulator) now supports most of the spectre analyses
    (including the RF analyses) from MMSIM72 - although this will be available via
    the "spectre" interface in ADE (IC5141 ISR141, as I said before). The old "aps"
    simulator interface only supports dc and tran.

    I suggest you read up in the documentation for MMSIM about Spectre Turbo and APS.


    Andrew Beckett, Dec 23, 2009
  3. Debjit

    Debjit Guest

    Hi Andreaw,

    The Log file at the end says:

    End netlisting Dec 31 12:32:02 2009
    \o The netlist is up to date.
    \o Time taken to compare the design with netlist: 1.0s
    \o ...successful.
    \o <ACE> Setting simulation parameters ......
    \o <ACE> parameters resComplex=on
    \o ...successful.
    \o compose simulator input file...
    \o ...successful.
    \o start simulator if needed...
    \o ...successful.
    \o simulate...
    \e *Error* Errors encountered during simulation. The simulator run log
    has not been generated.
    \e Possible cause could be an invalid command line option for the
    version of the simulator
    \e you are running. Choose Setup->Environment and verify that the
    command line options
    \e specified in the userCmdLineOption field are supported for the
    \e Alternatively, run the simulator standalone using the runSimulation
    file in the netlist.

    The runSimulation file is the following:

    spectre -env artist5.1.0 +escchars +log ../psf/spectre.out -format
    psfbin -raw ../psf +lqtimeout 900 -maxw 5 -maxn 5 +lqt 900 +lqs 30

    The spectre -W command returns sub-version and icfb -W
    returns sub-version .

    If you require any other information please feel free to ask me.

    Thanks and Regards,


    Debjit, Dec 31, 2009
  4. Debjit

    Debjit Guest

    HI Andrew,

    I forgot to mention another information. The ./runSimulation is
    running perfectly but the simulation is not running whenever I try to
    run it from GUI..

    Please help.

    Thanks and Regrads,


    Debjit, Dec 31, 2009
  5. Debjit wrote, on 12/31/09 07:34:
    I suspect something is awry with your environment and the IC environment is
    interfering with the MMSIM environment.

    Perhaps you can try this:

    envSetVal("spectre.envOpts" "controlMode" 'string "batch")

    then start ADE, and try to run the simulation. When that fails, try:


    and then look in the terminal window that you started virtuoso/icfb from to see
    if there are any errors reported.

    If so, what are they?


    Andrew Beckett, Jan 6, 2010
  6. Debjit

    Debjit Guest

    Hi Andrew,

    I did not find error but still the simulation fails from GUI but runs
    fine from the command line using the runSimulation script.
    I am confused. Please suggest

    Thanks and Regards!!!

    Cheers !!!!!

    Debjit, Jan 12, 2010
  7. Hi Debjit,

    Try this. Create a script, called "mySpectre" with the following contents:

    echo "$@" > $HOME/commandArgs
    exec spectre "$@" > $HOME/spectreOut 2>&1

    then do:

    chmod a+x mySpectre

    then, in virtuoso, before starting ADE, do:

    envSetVal("spectre.envOpts" "simExecName" 'string "/full/path/to/mySpectre")

    Then run a simulation interactively, and look in the $HOME/commandArgs and
    $HOME/spectreOut files that get produced to see if that gives any clues.


    Andrew Beckett, Jan 12, 2010
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