User settings

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by pfarnham, May 20, 2008.

  1. pfarnham

    pfarnham Guest

    Ok, here is the layout.

    Default settings stops Solidworks working.
    Custom settings stops Solidworks working.

    Work around:- edit reg, blah, blah \solidworks\solidworks2008 to blah,
    blah \solidworks\solidworks2008 old

    New profile works for around a week and then I have to repeat this

    XP pro
    Solidworks office professional 2008, sp3.1
    windows 2003 SBS sp2 server, all with the lastest updates , service
    packs etc....
    pfarnham, May 20, 2008
  2. pfarnham

    wurz Guest

    In what respect does it 'not work'.

    wurz, May 20, 2008
  3. pfarnham

    pfarnham Guest

    Hi Martin,

    Various things stop working.
    As an example, inseting parts from a toolbox folder, works for a while
    then I get an error stating that the part is already opened and would
    i like to open the part read only, ?????

    All the parts in that toolbox folder has been set to toolbox parts,
    confirmed by the toolbox icon in the feature tree

    Toolbars changing each time I open a document.

    Project open folder keeps change to my document folder, even though
    the folder is set in Pdmworks.

    The list goes on!

    Any ideas?
    pfarnham, May 21, 2008
  4. pfarnham

    wurz Guest

    Sounds like some of your Toolbox settings may not be right. Are you
    using a shared Toolbox or is it local to your machine?

    I used to have a PDF that detailed exactly how to setup Toolbox, but I
    don't seem to be able to lay my hands on it right now. Maybe your VAR
    has a copy..?

    We have a shared Toolbox here, and I always make sure that the
    following options are set;

    in 'Toolbox > Configure > Settings', set 'Writing to Read-Only
    Documents' to 'Always change read-only status...'
    in 'Tools > Options > External References', set 'Don't prompt to save
    read-only.....' to checked.

    Also, make sure that the Toolbox folder and it's sub-folders and files
    are set to read-only in Windows.

    wurz, May 21, 2008
  5. pfarnham

    wurz Guest

    wurz, May 21, 2008
  6. pfarnham

    pfarnham Guest

    ok, wiseone, explain what I am doing wrong when I save an assembly,
    close Solidworks down, open Solidworks and then that same assembly,
    and all the toolbars that I had showing are now gone?
    pfarnham, May 23, 2008
  7. pfarnham

    wurz Guest

    Might be a non-starter, but I wonder if you don't have local admin
    rights on that machine? Reason I ask is that most of the
    customisations (toolbars, macros....) are stored in the Windows

    wurz, May 23, 2008
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