User preferences...

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by El Phantazmo, Nov 7, 2005.

  1. El Phantazmo

    El Phantazmo Guest


    Heres a really elementary question whos solution isn't to elementary for
    me for some odd reason.

    I am running SW2003, latest SPs, and I want to create mutliple user

    What is the trick to create the user folder and start saving and
    recalling user preferences?

    Thank you,

    El Phantazmo, Nov 7, 2005
  2. El Phantazmo

    neil Guest

    do you mean you have several users logging in to use the same pc?
    or do you mean you want to save your settings as different templates?
    neil, Nov 7, 2005
  3. El Phantazmo

    El Phantazmo Guest

    There are two solidworks jockeys that use the same computer, one day
    shift, one night shift. They both have different desires as to how
    their menus look, ect ... ect ..

    I am just looking for a way of maintaining a different userspecification
    for each user. I've read about .CUS files which can be stored in the
    USER subdirectory, but I have no idea on how to build or call the .CUS


    El Phantazmo, Nov 7, 2005
  4. El Phantazmo

    jb Guest

    ? Are they logging on as different users? Most times windoze will separate
    the user pref' on that bases.. SW may not though. Haven't been using 04 for
    some time now..

    jb, Nov 8, 2005
  5. El Phantazmo

    neil Guest

    if they have different logons they will have their own preferences stored by
    SW as a matter of course when they use it.
    if they have the same logon the only way I can think of is if each saves
    their set up using the copy settings wizard and replace the existing version
    each time they are the user - but that sounds like poor practice to me.
    maybe someone has other info.
    neil, Nov 8, 2005
  6. El Phantazmo

    neilscad Guest

    BTW IIRC SW2003 doesn't remember customised toolbars -just the
    placement of them.
    neilscad, Nov 8, 2005
  7. El Phantazmo

    neilscad Guest

    BTW IIRC SW2003 doesn't remember customised toolbars -just the
    placement of them.
    neilscad, Nov 8, 2005
  8. El Phantazmo

    JKimmel Guest

    I think the .cus file went away with 2005. In 2003, one user sets up SW
    the way he wants. He then finds the .cus file in the SW directory and
    saves it to a personal directory. The next user does the same, only he
    saves his .cus file to his own personal directory. Each user can then
    load his preferences by merely replacing the .cus file in the SW

    It was useful when taking classes at the local community college, where
    they reset all software every day.

    Later versions of SW use a "Copy Settings" wizard. I haven't tried that

    If I were managing two users on a single copy of SW, however, I'd make
    them both use the same settings. I also recommend sticking with the SW
    defaults as much as possible. Going from your own customized version of
    SW back to a more generic version can be like using a whole different

    J Kimmel

    "Cuius testiculos habes, habeas cardia et cerebellum." - When you have
    their full attention in your grip, their hearts and minds will follow.
    JKimmel, Nov 8, 2005
  9. El Phantazmo

    El Phantazmo Guest

    Yes, I was hoping that Solidworks2003 would create an entry in the
    individual Documents and Settings subs that are attached to each user,
    but, alas it did not. There is that USER subdir off the Solidworks
    subdir with the .CUS files. I copied a .CUS file from another install,
    just to see if it loaded (I matched the .CUS file with the username).

    No dice.
    El Phantazmo, Nov 8, 2005
  10. El Phantazmo

    El Phantazmo Guest

    If I were managing two users on a single copy of SW, however, I'd make
    Hehehe ... i've tried that...

    <Me to CAD Guy A> : "Can't you two just use the same settings?"

    <CAD Guy A to Me> : "Well, I hate how <CAD Guy B> has his laid out ...
    drives me nuts."

    <Me to CAD Guy B> : "<CAD Guy A> wants you two to share the same
    settings, are you ok with that?"

    <CAD Guy B to Me> : "Sure, as long as they are my settings..."

    I think I will let them fight it out, and maintain the settings of the

    Any bets on who will win?


    Thanks guys.

    El Phantazmo, Nov 8, 2005
  11. El Phantazmo

    Michael Guest

    hmmm sounds like an impending productivity problem....

    Perhaps install SW and the OS on removable hard drives and just swap the
    drives out at shift change?
    Michael, Nov 8, 2005
  12. El Phantazmo

    El Phantazmo Guest

    You know, thats not a bad idea ... sometimes can create backup problems
    from across the network, but it does solve some issues.

    Thanks Michael,
    El Phantazmo, Nov 8, 2005
  13. El Phantazmo

    Michael Guest

    shouldn't be an issue for backup-- leave all your data on an HD that lives
    in the machine (the non-removable one that's already there). The only thing
    that goes on the removables is Windoze and SW, neither of which will
    generally be in the backup path anyway...
    Michael, Nov 8, 2005
  14. 400 quatloos on CAD Guy B.

    Best regards,
    Spehro Pefhany
    Spehro Pefhany, Nov 8, 2005
  15. El Phantazmo

    El Phantazmo Guest

    I'm giving 4 to 1 on CAD Guy A if anyone is interested...
    El Phantazmo, Nov 8, 2005
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