How to completed user input if user only hit enter ; eh is stand for edit hatch ; Design by Ade Suharna <> ; 5 October 2004 ; Program no.102/10/2004 (defun c:eh (/ ent info2 info41 info52 inp1 ans1 inp2 ans2 inp3 ans3 ed) (while (setq ent (entget (car (entsel)))) (setq info2 (cdr (assoc 2 ent))) (setq info41 (rtos (cdr (assoc 41 ent)))) (setq info52 (rtos (cdr (assoc 52 ent)))) (setq inp1 (getstring (strcat " ENTER NEW NAME OF HATCH PATTERN" "<" info2 ">" ": "))) (setq ans1 (getstring " ")) ; >>>>>> ???? (if (eq inp2 ans1)(setq inp2 info41)) ; >>>>>> ???? (setq inp2 (getreal (strcat " ENTER NEW SCALE OF HATCH" "<" info41 ">" ": "))) (setq ans2 (getstring " ")) ; >>>>>> ???? (if (eq inp2 ans2)(setq inp2 info41)) ; >>>>>> ???? (setq inp3 (getreal (strcat " ENTER NEW ANGLE OF HATCH" "<" info52 ">" ": "))) (setq ans3 (getstring " ")) ; >>>>>> ???? (if (eq inp3 ans3)(setq inp3 info52)) ; >>>>>> ???? (setq ed1 (subst (cons 2 inp1)(assoc 2 ent) ent)) (setq ed2 (subst (cons 41 inp2)(assoc 41 ent) ed1)) (setq ed3 (subst (cons 52 inp3)(assoc 52 ent) ed2)) (entmod ed3) ) )