Use NCSU kit With Assura

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by nicollete, Oct 26, 2008.

  1. nicollete

    nicollete Guest

    We are having licenses for assura and i want to use NCSU kit but it
    uses diva technology rules and files.Is there anyway from where i can
    get the design kits like NCSU for Assura.O is there any way to
    convert assura rules or techfiles to diva rule files.

    Any help is appreciated.
    nicollete, Oct 26, 2008
  2. nicollete

    Riad KACED Guest

    Hi Nicollete,

    I don't know a clue about the NCSU PDKs and the last time I have used
    diva was 8 years back when at uni. If however you have got diva file
    but Assura tool, than there is a a way to convert your diva rules into
    Assura. Just give a look at the following documentation :
    Diva to Assura Migration Guide. Use cdsdoc or cdnshelp to open this
    documentation. This document is actually available in your assura
    installation tree:
    UNIX> acroread $ASSURAHOME/doc/divaToAssura/divaToAssura.pdf

    The best option is of course to ask your foundry to provide you with
    the Assura decks indeed.

    Riad KACED, Oct 30, 2008
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