Use mechanism to simulate trayectory given by equation

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by pitosYflautas, Jan 20, 2004.

  1. Hello all,

    I would like to simulate a parabolic movement (one piece thrown and that
    moves with gravity), and I have a bucket elevator (buckets moving between
    two sprokets) moving with uniform velocity. I want to see when an how this
    piece impacts to the buckets.

    Somebody has any idea to to that. (I have made all the algebra, I have the
    equations of movement, and when is the impact, but I would like to have a
    visual and more complete analysis). Is mechanism useful for that ??. First
    how to simulate the movement of buckets fixed to a chain that moves between
    two wheels, and then how to simulate the movement of the particle ??

    Thanks in advance.
    pitosYflautas, Jan 20, 2004
  2. pitosYflautas

    David Janes Guest

    I'm glad to find someone really ambitious, someone who wants to push the software
    to the limits and use it to solve problems. Beware, though, trying to use it to
    cheat on your DYNAMICS tests ~ those teachers will know. When I found out about
    some of the stuff Pro/e and Mechanica could do, I started dreaming about going
    Hollywood ~ you know, just blowing shit up: all out tractor pull and ripping stuff
    apart to see what it could take, popping the heads off bolts, twisting metal,
    friction welding. Well..... it can't really do all that, not real-time, anyway.
    Mostly, it still comes down to setting up more simplified problems, like they do
    in Statics classes.

    Since you have the numbers already, you need your bucket suspended between two
    points on some kind of cross section and some kind of force on the bucket, maybe
    even a gravity component (to stess your 'chains'). Since you have the trajectory,
    mass of object thrown, acceleration, final speed, angle of trajectory, you can
    easily resolve this into a static problem which Pro/MECHANICA can solve. Just pick
    a point on the bucket for applying a load, using your momentum values, and give it
    a force vector based on the trajectory. You might add the bucket movement into the
    force of projectile to allow the bucket to be suspended, motionless.

    Of course, this misses the excitement, glitz and glamor of firing projectiles at
    moving buckets (video game?), but makes for a simpler engineering problem.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Jan 24, 2004
  3. pitosYflautas

    Phil Guest

    Use MDO to simulate this. You can set up the buckets mechanism and
    then give the ball a set of initial conditions such as postion and
    velocity and it will react according to gravity.
    Phil, Jan 25, 2004
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