URGENT: Running DRC using Dracula

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by bulub, Sep 7, 2005.

  1. bulub

    bulub Guest

    Hi all,

    I am now using Cadence 5.10.41. I tried to run DRC on a very simple
    layout with PDRACULA and view the errors with DRACULA interactive.
    However, when I load the error file by clicking DRC/setup..., only DLW
    and Reference Window did pop up but Rules Layer Window and View DRC
    Error Window are missing. I tried to open them by clicking DRC/get
    Rules Layer Window and DRC/get View DRC Error Window, but no data can
    be viewed.

    I then tried run DRC on the same layout with Cadence version 4.6.6, it
    worked as expected.

    The following is what I have done:

    with 4.6.6
    1) compile drc rule deck
    2) run jxrun.com
    3) open DRACULA interactive and key in the working path under
    4) DLW, Reference Window, RLW, and View DRC Error Window popped up

    with 5.10.41
    1) comple the same drc rule deck
    2) run jxsub.com (tried to run jxrun.com; however, BOUNDARY.DAT and
    LAYDE.DIS cannot be found)
    3) open DRACULA interactive and key in the working path
    4) only DLW and Reference Window popped up

    (icfb has warnings:
    Fail to open TMP.DAT
    Fail to open M1DUMP.DAT
    Fail to open TMP.DAT
    .... (over 20 lines of "Fail to open ...")
    LAYDE.DIS found at /home/.../.../...
    BADPOR00.DAT does not exist in Dracula data directory !
    HRP0500.DAT does not exist in Dracula data directory !
    .... (over 20 lines of "... does not exist in Dracula data diretory !")
    *WARNING* ge: failed to get a mfgFridResolution value from the tech
    *WARNING* lsw: No valid layer purpose pairs. Setting the first lpp to
    be valid.
    *WARNING* hiSetWindowsAtts: appType not set)

    Does anybody experience this before? Please advice. Thank you!!
    bulub, Sep 7, 2005
  2. Are you using a recent IC5141 subversion? There was a bug where Dracula
    Interactive was very broken for some time - it's fixed in recent ISRs and IC5141

    Andrew Beckett, Sep 7, 2005
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