Urgent Help : Reconstruction of surfaces using in point cloud

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by bluemind, Mar 24, 2006.

  1. bluemind

    bluemind Guest

    Hi all,

    Does anybody has an idea on how to reconstruct a free form surface in
    ProE when a low density point cloud is given? (point cloud in x,y,z,

    I has some limitations on that that I cannot use a *.ibl file.

    Also i tried following

    1. Used Independent geometry but could not always create curves through
    the points bcoz the points are randomly distributed across the domain

    2. Also i tried Facets creation..Well that was sucessa little bit ..
    but could not use that as surface for boudaries for my Protrusion
    object. ProE does not recognise it as an surface

    3. Tried Restyle..could not always get the shape i needed ..because
    after faceting the point cloud, I used restyle.. but it was not able to
    create surface by making use of whole facet.. I am able to create
    surfaces only on a small portion on facet.

    Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
    bluemind, Mar 24, 2006
  2. bluemind

    David Janes Guest

    Sorry, i've never had this kind of point data to deal with so I've never been able
    to try it. So, I did the next best thing: I searched Surfacing Help for "point
    cloud" and found a bunch of stuff suggesting that the faceted surface could be
    used to create conventional datum geometry and as point references for creating
    curves thru points. Anyway, it describes the workflow, sketches the procedures.
    But, from the little that's there, it looks like you've just scratched the
    surface, lots more work to do. I've wanted to get into this reverse engineering
    stuff for a while but I'd hesitate to tackle it without taking a course or at
    least going through some tutorials and that kind of guidance is precisely what
    seems the hardest to find.
    David Janes, Mar 26, 2006
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