Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by dand, Jul 23, 2004.

  1. dand

    dand Guest

    This weekend I have the pleasure of upgrading to a new server with Windows 2003 Small Bus. installed. We are currently running Flexm version 8.x for our networked AutoCAD version 2004 on a windows NT server.

    I assume I must do a new install from scratch on the new server of LM Tools and ??? Do I install Flexm 8.x or 9.x ?

    Will I need to do anything to the workstations or will they work once the I authorized on the new server???

    Please help
    dand, Jul 23, 2004
  2. dand

    dstein Guest

    I assume you meant to title it "SBS" (not "SMS")? Anyway, yes, if you are upgrading to a "new server" you need to install a new setup for Flex/LM. I would strongly recommend using the most current version available. They've always been backwards compatible with Acad versions as far as I've seen.

    The clients will likely be using their original installed LIC files to point to the FlexLM server. However, the way Flex clients work is that if they see the environment variable "ADSKFLEX_LICENSE_FILE" it uses that and ignores the license file. You can configure the environment variable using a login script very easily. This has helped me with five server migrations so far and hasn't failed me yet.

    Take a look at Autodesk technical article TS71384 for info on how this works.
    dstein, Jul 24, 2004
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