Upgrading To ProI 3.4 Next Monday... Any Post Installation Tips??

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Andy, Aug 5, 2009.

  1. Andy

    Andy Guest

    Hi Gang

    Currently we are running WF2 M280. We are upgrading from our existing
    ProI 3.3 server to 3.4 (yes I know we are so far behind) this Monday.
    We have a new server up and running with ProI 3.4 M030 now with a dump
    from the production server and a copy of the vault files. The next
    steps are...

    - have all users check in data to the production server
    - cut off access to the production server
    - dump and import the data to the new server
    - copy the vault files from the production server to the new server.
    - install the clients for access to the new server (done with a batch

    Once we are up and running on Monday with the new server and our users
    can connect is there anything I should be worried about? Have I
    forgotten anything?

    Andy, Aug 5, 2009
  2. Andy

    Janes Guest

    There was a customer service bulletin about m60 but I don't remember
    anything untoward about m30. The only trouble I recall, and this was a few
    years ago now, was configuration stuff not making it across. Don't know of a
    way to save it, either. How do you get users and groups and permissions
    across? And naturally it concerns me that I didn't hear you say anything
    about testing this migration (a few times) before 'go live'.

    David Janes

    PS Why 3.4? Buying time? Doesn't buy much.
    Janes, Aug 9, 2009
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