Upgrading to 2004

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Ken Alexander, Sep 17, 2003.

  1. Our "Cad Manager" (used loosely) Has approached the powers to be about
    upgrading to 2004. I have been asked to assess the customization side
    of things. Naturally I would like to upgrade for no other reason than
    "just because". But, I would like to know if there have been big
    strides towards the customization. I have read in other threads that
    there have been some bugs worked out. But my first thought is there
    is no real benefit to upgrade.

    Ken Alexander
    Windows2000 Prof.

    "We can't solve problems by using the same kind
    of thinking we used when we created them."
    --Albert Einstein
    Ken Alexander, Sep 17, 2003
  2. Ken Alexander

    Devin Guest

    I developed a program for sheet metal panels. The program would have
    various errors in 2000. I upgraded to 2004 and it works smooth so far.

    I think, from what Luis told me if I got it right, that some of the active x
    errors have been eliminated.

    Devin, Sep 17, 2003
  3. Ken Alexander

    Walt Engle Guest

    There are no huge benefits to upgrading, but there are some that would be
    Customizing is more of a personal thing but you can migrate your
    customizing to 2004.
    Walt Engle, Sep 17, 2003
  4. Ken Alexander

    Luis Guest


    To me the only benefit is that many of previous bugs have solved, like for
    example I have some isometric tools that I made using entmake calls and use
    to have a lot of problems when there was a combination between active-x
    functions from another routines and also others with reactors included, now
    in A2004 there are no problems at all.

    In the other hand I never got impresed by the new dialog interfaces and
    colored scenario...

    Luis, Sep 17, 2003
  5. Ken Alexander

    Tom Smith Guest

    I don't do reactors or active-x, so I don't see any difference in
    functionality as far as cuistomizations go. All my menus, toolbars, and lisp
    functions went from 2000i to 2004 without a hitch.

    Whether there's any benefit in terms of software functionality depends on
    your priorities. Some folks elsewhere rave about it. Personally the new look
    leaves me cold, and the actual differences in the product are very slight.

    Then there's the whole issue of the folder "organization" if you can call it
    that. It took me longer to figure out than in any previous version, and cost
    me a lot of aggravation. I very nearly decided to just shelve it and wait
    for our subscription to bring us something better. I'm sure you've seen the
    discussion elsewhere. IMHO the installation is very poorly thought out with
    respect to the varying needs of real-world users.
    Tom Smith, Sep 17, 2003
  6. Ken Alexander

    Rudy Tovar Guest

    Should there even be an issue about upgrading other than the useless
    interface dialogs, I personally dislike.

    As taken from a programmers point of view it doesn't really matter. We see
    things in a different light, than the casual CAD User.

    We see much more than the body, but the frame, and the inner gut.


    I don't use the menus personally, pure command line or shortkey's (my own).

    My 2 cents

    Rudy Tovar, Sep 18, 2003
  7. Ken Alexander

    John Uhden Guest


    Any idea as to his /her motivation to make the switch? I could see the economic
    argument if you're currently running 2000x, because it's got to be upgraded or
    out by 1/15/2004. But are there other arguments?

    Anyway... having paid basically no attention to 2004 customization standards,
    I've found thus far that everything 2000+ works fine.
    John Uhden, Sep 18, 2003
  8. John,

    I believe his main motivation is Windows XP. I ran XP on my machine
    for a while to test it. I found Acad2000 to be unstable with some of
    my routines. Now all cad users are stuck with Windows 2000. I know
    upgrading is inevitable, at some point we will have to.

    Ken Alexander
    Windows2000 Prof.

    "We can't solve problems by using the same kind
    of thinking we used when we created them."
    --Albert Einstein
    Ken Alexander, Sep 18, 2003
  9. Thanks for the input from everyone. It would be nice to be rid of
    some of the glitches. As the user interface and colors go, I think
    that will not be an issue with our cad guys most all of them like that
    kind of stuff. Thanks again. I will still monitor this thread, we
    have a while yet to hit the deadline. Any other input is appreciated.

    Ken Alexander
    Windows2000 Prof.

    "We can't solve problems by using the same kind
    of thinking we used when we created them."
    --Albert Einstein
    Ken Alexander, Sep 18, 2003
  10. Ken Alexander

    Murph Guest

    Just tagging on to point out a few other things.

    First the tool pallets are cool in a way for adding some customization and
    ADSK is making them better each day. Gives the user the power of lisp in a
    Design Center environment with out all the clutter and lost real estate.

    Second. The support paths to each workstation can be a pain with R2004 being
    XP compliance, most of the custom files (mnu profiles etc) are in the C:\my
    documents\User\.............. and makes it a little harder to find the
    right file to make changes.

    Murph, Sep 18, 2003
  11. Ken Alexander

    Walt Engle Guest

    As a side point, being "stuck" with windows 2000pro is not a bad idea. I
    have it and have no intention of upgrading to XP. My wife has XP and it
    has given her some problems that do not occur with 2000pro. I am aware
    that at some time in the future I will have to upgrade, but will wait
    until the very last dying breath.
    With 2000pro, I run Autocad 2000 and 2004 and have no problems whatever.
    The only problem I initially had with 2004 was in customizing the
    acad.mnu and acetmain.mnu. This was difficult until I grapsed Autocad's
    new placement of the menus in various places - which I found to be
    rediculous and childish (I am reminded of Autocad's 52 patches to make
    R13 work).
    Other minor problems with 2004 is that it has omitted several lsp
    functions that were available with 2000, 2000i & 2002. In these
    instances, I have had to add these items from information gleaned from
    these groups.
    Walt Engle, Sep 18, 2003
  12. Ken Alexander

    Devin Guest

    What routines have been omitted in 2004?
    Devin, Sep 18, 2003
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