Upgrade from R14 to 2006 required before XP SP2?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by nb, Apr 14, 2005.

  1. nb

    nb Guest

    Hey all,
    My IT department at work claims that AutoDesk Tech Support told them AutoCad
    R14 will not, under any circumstances, run under Windows XP SP2, and that
    they would have to upgrade to AutoCad 2006 (at great expense) if they want
    to reap the benefits of XP SP2.
    Is this true?
    If we have XP and R14 running, and we upgrade XP to SP2, will R14 stop
    If so, is there a work around? I figure maybe like opening a port, or
    creating an exception or something like that?
    If anyone can answer this it would be SOOOOO helpful, thanks!
    Dallas TX USA
    nb, Apr 14, 2005
  2. nb

    RBurger Guest

    RBurger, Apr 20, 2005
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