Updateing design tables in drawing

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Nathan Feculak, Nov 11, 2003.

  1. I have a drawing with design tables in it and there are just a few of the
    columns and rows that I would like in the table so I've hidden the
    rows/columns that I don't want visible. my problem is when I save the
    drawing it updates the table and moves to the last column and updates to
    that view in the drawing. how do I keep the table up to date in the dwg but
    not have to go back in to the part and re set the table each time I save the
    document. It is costing me a lot of time. By the way, at one time well
    working on the parts I lost the design table and I had to open the table
    from the drawing in a different window save the file then reattach the table
    in the part. this put the design table icon back in the feature manger. The
    weird thing was that with the design table gone from the feature manager the
    configs were still there in the config manager. can some one explain?
    Nathan Feculak, Nov 11, 2003
  2. I believe that design tables are just a quick way to create and save many
    configurations. If the table is removed, the configurations still exist and
    will not be removed unless you manually delete them.

    Keith Streich, Nov 11, 2003
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