Update read-only file

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by StefVdM, Apr 30, 2004.

  1. StefVdM

    StefVdM Guest


    A little problem we regularly stumble upon:

    it happens many times that I'm opening my colleagues' drawings to have a look at it, or to extract (read: copy) objects from it. But without the need to change or save anything.

    Now, if this colleague is working on his drawing, I can only open it read-only. No problem, because I don't want to change anything. But: half an hour later the drawing of my colleague will have changed of course.

    Is there a way to write some little program that would simply allow me to "update" or "refresh" this read-only drawing, without having to close and open it again? in the supposition of course that my colleague saves his changes regularly.

    Thanks for any hints

    StefVdM, Apr 30, 2004
  2. StefVdM

    Doug Broad Guest

    Assuming you're talking about xrefs.

    There is a notification and semi-automatic xref
    reload built in to 2004 and 2005. For the rest,
    use xref reload.

    But without the need to change or save anything.
    anything. But: half an hour later the drawing of my colleague will have changed of course.
    having to close and open it again? in the supposition of course that my colleague saves his changes regularly.
    Doug Broad, Apr 30, 2004
  3. StefVdM

    StefVdM Guest

    No, I'm not talking about X-refs, but actual drawings that are in use by someone else. I can open them read-only, and copy things from them, but I was just curious if there was a way to "update" or "refresh" them to see if the other made (and saved) changes. Without having to close the drawing and open it again.

    StefVdM, May 3, 2004
  4. StefVdM

    ECCAD Guest

    When opened, you have a 'copy' of the .dwg, not the 'actual' .dwg.
    ECCAD, May 3, 2004
  5. StefVdM

    Doug Broad Guest

    No. You must close and re-open.

    can open them read-only, and copy things from them, but I was just curious if there was a
    way to "update" or "refresh" them to see if the other made (and saved) changes. Without
    having to close the drawing and open it again.
    Doug Broad, May 3, 2004
  6. Another possible approach (that I can not help you with) could be -

    Write a new "Open" command that checks if the file is all ready open (that
    is the part I am not sure how to do).
    If not open
    open drawing
    create new "temp" file and Xref the drawing into the file

    Update xref command -
    (defun C:XU ()
    (command "XREF" "R" "*")
    Alan Henderson @ A'cad Solutions, May 3, 2004
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