Update existing or clean install

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Pats Fan, Oct 11, 2006.

  1. Pats Fan

    Pats Fan Guest

    We are gearing up to go to SW2007 on 18-seats and I am wondering if it
    is necessary to completely uninstall all traces of SW2006 and install
    as new installation. If it is better to install a fresh new
    installation will I be able to uninstall/install via an administrative
    Pats Fan, Oct 11, 2006
  2. Have you done any in-house testing on your parts and assemblies yet ????
    Just because other people aren't having problems doesn't mean you won't.
    There have been some issues in several areas from network problems to PDM to
    corrupt files. 18 seats is alot, and if your company comes to a screeching
    halt someones gonna be pissed.

    Assuming you have tested it, always back up active data in the old format
    first. You may also want to install 2007 beside 2006 and phase it in in a
    gradual organized manner.

    The only bullet proof way to install is a new installation, either beside
    the old version, or after uninstalling the old version. Never, I repeat,
    NEVER, do an upgrade install of Solidworks. It never has worked right (to
    complex I guess)

    Good Luck

    Mark Mossberg, Oct 12, 2006
  3. Pats Fan

    slowhand Guest

    slowhand, Oct 12, 2006
  4. I have had, and I'm still having, some strange issues with running SW2006
    SP5 and SW2007 SP1 (Office) on the same machine.

    For starters, when I first tried installing SW2007 without a clean install
    my SW2006 stopped working - some licensing issue. It decided that it
    couldn't find the dongle for SW2006. I posted about this and the advice I
    received was to use the new style serial for SW2006, which worked great
    except that now my Photoworks has stopped working in SW2006 (again, it
    think's it's not licensed).

    Then I did a completly clean install and installed both SW2006 and SW2007
    again, only to find the same problem. Thanks to the help of 'asow34' from
    this group I think I have to go in and modify the registry to fiddle the
    license numbers or something.

    I've also had some trouble importing IGS assemblies that have come from
    ProE, though no-one has been able to verify if this is just me or a bug. I
    could bring the same assemblies into Rhino however......

    Also, I've seen several posts about the 'unable to save document' problem
    with SP1, which on all your seats could be a HUGE problem.

    Good luck whatever you do....
    Lee Bazalgette - factorydesign, Oct 12, 2006
  5. Pats Fan

    yawdro Guest

    When we upgraded we did it as an upgrade and things seemed to go pretty
    good. Then I had issues and did an uninstall/reinstall and homemade
    add-ins don't work now. They work for all the upgraded machines, just
    not the 2 that have new installations.

    Also, we used an admin image and it didn't install everything the way
    the cds do. It didn't install the installation manager, e-drawings, or
    yawdro, Oct 12, 2006
  6. 18 seats?!!!!! Don't do it.
    I am sorry I upgraded to 2007, lots of CTD bugs with previously 2006
    assemblies both with
    SP 0.0 and 1.0.
    Wait a bit if you can.
    This is the worst version (problem wise) I have worked with since SW
    RaceBikesOrWork, Oct 12, 2006
  7. Ok, I have to take the other side here.

    We also have 18 seats, although not quite all are in use right now. My
    procedure has always been to install the new version on my machine for the
    beta cycle and then install on the others after I have used the CD version a
    bit and listened to the chatter here. But, I always still have the older
    version up and running at the same time so if there is a project that the
    user wants to finish without the risk of updating right at the end, it can
    be done. The main thing to watch out for is inadvertent updating of
    referenced files. This also lets me try out the new stuff on our own files
    before jumping in and finding a show stopper.

    My installation scheme is that I do each machine personally as they are
    ready for it. I have copied the CD/DVD files to a network drive, and then I
    have a batch file that pretty much runs everything, so I get easy,
    consistent installs. I tell it to install each version in its own folder,
    such as "C:\Program Files\SolidWorks2006" - notice the lack of the space
    before the 2006. That non-space is not important in itself, but more for
    consistency in applying the registry files. I also do the same for the
    common files. That way I can always run any version I still have
    installed - I NEVER install a new version as an upgrade.

    Now, as a disclaimer, we don't have to use a dongle, nor do we run Toolbox,
    so I can't attest to the usability of my method if those are part of the

    We have been using it here for over a month and the benefits outweigh the
    potholes. Just yesterday I ran into a situation where I was converting and
    importing some Catia files. SW2006 would crash on some of them - SW2007
    worked fine. So, I look at these situations more from the side of can I
    live with the downfalls of the new version, rather than asking if the new
    version is perfect yet.

    Wayne Tiffany, Oct 12, 2006
  8. Pats Fan

    Jean Marc Guest

    "Wayne Tiffany" <> a écrit dans le message de

    Lucky you can upgrade one at a time. Here, most of our 10 people work
    collaboratively. So it has to be all or none.
    Jean Marc, Oct 12, 2006
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