update by VB, but things won't change when reopen

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Soe, Jul 9, 2003.

  1. Soe

    Soe Guest

    I wrote a VB, which put new ICON in a tool bar, the problem is that icon
    doesn't appear when Acad is reopened (from desktop icon)
    I use getObject and createObject to get autocad application. ( standard one
    with error trap )
    Here is the problem.
    If Acad is already opened, i could get it's instance by getObject, then
    things are fine.
    However, when CreateObject is used, then the icon I have added in doesn't
    appear when I open AutoCad again.
    I make it visible and check, the icon is there.

    Can anyone advice?
    Soe, Jul 9, 2003
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