Update Border Information

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by montyzoomer, Jan 9, 2005.

  1. montyzoomer

    montyzoomer Guest

    I really need the help of this group. I need to be able to change the part number of over 600 drawings so I am looking for some clues on how to open a drawing and change the text by doing a look up in an XLS file. The XLS side I can handle but I do not know how to open a drawing in VBA or change an entry in the drawing border.

    I hope someone can help me out, it will be most appreciated.


    montyzoomer, Jan 9, 2005
  2. montyzoomer

    Walt Engle Guest

    Why not use a lsp routine that looks for certain key words and replaces them? I have one, if you're interested.
    Walt Engle, Jan 9, 2005
  3. montyzoomer

    montyzoomer Guest

    I would appreciate a copy, can you call lsp routine in VBA


    montyzoomer, Jan 9, 2005
  4. montyzoomer

    Walt Engle Guest

    Here it is:

    ; This program will replace every occurrence of an "old string" with a
    ; "new string".
    (defun chgterr (s)
    (if (/= s "Function cancelled")
    (princ (strcat "\nError: " s))
    (setq p nil)
    (setq *error* olderr)

    (defun C:CHGTEXT (/ p l n e os as ns st s nsl osl sl si chf chm olderr)
    (setq olderr *error*
    *error* chgterr
    chm 0)
    (setq p (ssget))
    (if p (progn
    (while (= 0 (setq osl (strlen (setq os (getstring t "\nOld string:
    (princ "Null input invalid")
    (setq nsl (strlen (setq ns (getstring t "\nNew string: "))))
    (setq l 0 n (sslength p))
    (while (< l n)
    (if (= "TEXT"
    (cdr (assoc 0 (setq e (entget (ssname p l))))))
    (setq chf nil si 1)
    (setq s (cdr (setq as (assoc 1 e))))
    (while (= osl (setq sl (strlen
    (setq st (substr s si osl)))))
    (if (= st os)
    (setq s (strcat (substr s 1 (1- si)) ns
    (substr s (+ si osl))))
    (setq chf t)
    (setq si (+ si nsl))
    (setq si (1+ si))
    (if chf (progn
    (setq e (subst (cons 1 s) as e))
    (entmod e)
    (setq chm (1+ chm))
    (setq l (1+ l))
    (princ "Changed ")
    (princ chm)
    (princ " text lines.")
    (setq *error* olderr)
    Walt Engle, Jan 9, 2005
  5. Hi Monty,

    You can call lisp from VBA with the SendCommand. However in pre-R2005
    AutoCAD, you can not reliably return to VBA due to the VBA not knowing when
    the Lisp function is complete. I believe this has been fixed in R2005.

    You would be better off doing the whole exercise in VBA. The search and
    replace bits of your code will only be a few lines.


    Laurie Comerford
    Laurie Comerford, Jan 9, 2005
  6. montyzoomer

    montyzoomer Guest


    Thanks for the information, I would prefer to complete the task in VBA but I only have real experience with normal office applications. What I need to understand is the code method for opening a drawing and then how to search for a string and change it.

    If you can guide me on this I would appreciate it.


    montyzoomer, Jan 10, 2005
  7. montyzoomer

    GaryDF Guest

    You can use objectdbx to open and change the drawings. Let me know if
    this will work for you, and I can post the code.


    number of over 600 drawings so I am looking for some clues on how to open a
    drawing and change the text by doing a look up in an XLS file. The XLS side I can
    handle but I do not know how to open a drawing in VBA or change an entry in the
    drawing border.
    GaryDF, Jan 10, 2005
  8. montyzoomer

    montyzoomer Guest


    I am open to give it a go, would it be possible to E mail the code. My address is

    Thanks for your help


    montyzoomer, Jan 10, 2005
  9. montyzoomer

    GaryDF Guest

    Sent routine.

    GaryDF, Jan 10, 2005
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