Unwanted file locking in multiple user environment

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Mickey Reilley, Oct 23, 2003.

  1. I have two people working on a project: a detailer and a designer. The
    designer has finished designing one of the sub-assys and has moved onto the
    next higher assembly that the sub-assy is a part of. The detailer would
    like to start detailing the parts in that sub-assy, but because my designer
    has it open in his next higher assembly the parts are locked and he (the
    detailer) can only work in read only.

    I can set the "open referenced documents as read-only", but this seems to
    create the reverse problem: now my detailer can open the parts and work, but
    my designer cannot do any work on the assembly because all of the parts are
    read-only. Even if he right clicks on a part and says "open xxxx.sldprt" it
    still opens as read-only.

    Where is the happy medium? How do others handle this? Would working the
    assembly in lightweight work because the parts are not being resolved? What
    does the "Allow multiple contexts for parts when editing in an assembly"
    check box do in the external references system options screen do?

    PS - I'm using SWX 2003 sp4, but I can switch to 2004 immediately if that
    will solve my problems.
    Mickey Reilley, Oct 23, 2003
  2. Mickey Reilley

    Todd Guest

    the designer can "reload" the document for write access as he need them.
    then after he is finished he can relinquish control (after saving of course)
    by reloading again but changing it back to read only.

    Todd, Oct 23, 2003
  3. Mickey Reilley

    Todd Guest


    I may be mistaken, but I dont think that loading lightweight is the answer.
    I thought loading lightweight still gave you "possession" of the part or
    assy. Have you tried it? Did it work? Curious to know...

    Todd, Oct 27, 2003
  4. Mickey Reilley

    Todd Guest

    OK, thanks...thats good information to know!

    Todd, Oct 28, 2003
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