Unterminated Keyins for Changing Cell Colours

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by Greg Carlill, Aug 7, 2003.

  1. Greg Carlill

    Greg Carlill Guest

    Hi all,
    Using V7
    I'm trying to simplify the process of changing the colours of some
    cells on our drawings. The prosess we're using is to use power
    selector to select the cells then change the colours. The reason why I
    wanted a unterminated keyin is that different cells are to be
    different colours and if the keyin for active colour is unterminated
    the user can enter there own colour value. I wanted to use the
    following unterminated keyin but it seems as soon as you put a semi
    colon in it terminated the keyin.

    my keyin is
    dialog cmdb;k,active color 4;change color element;choose none

    All the drawings were translated into ustn from our old GDS cad
    The cell library has been modified but because cells on the drawing
    1. different names to the library cell.
    2. different origins to the library cell.
    I can't do a replace cell.

    I'd like to keep it to a keyin if I can, but will accept going to a
    macro if needed. I could put the colour as a command line argument to
    a macro but I'd like to keep it simple. Any ideas?

    Greg Carlill, Aug 7, 2003
  2. Greg Carlill

    Dave Preston Guest

    If the user has to select a color anyway why not let them select it from the
    Primary toolbox then run your keyin?


    Dave Preston

    Dave Preston, Aug 7, 2003
  3. Greg Carlill

    Lorys Guest

    Try %d between the key ins ie
    k,active color 4;%d;change color element;%d;choose none
    this usually works for me and waits for the user to make a data point before
    going on to next command
    Lorys, Aug 8, 2003
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