unpredictable acad crash caused by editor-reactor

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Tom Berger, Feb 6, 2004.

  1. Tom Berger

    Tom Berger Guest

    I have a weird problem with the command-ended event of an
    editor-reactor. When just one drawing file is open, everythingh runs
    smooth and fine. But when another drawing is opened, the command-ended
    reactor function sometimes causes AutoCAd to crash. This behavior is
    not reproducable - one and the same drawing at one time can cause the
    crash, and at another time will open just as it is expected to do.

    I modified the reactor function so that it does nothing when the
    calling command is "OPEN", but this made no difference.

    No I found that when I let the reactor function (print "OK") there is
    no crash at all. Funny that (print 'OK) is no help :)

    Instead (print "OK") I can also have the reactor function create an
    entity (line or something else) and entdel it immediately again, and
    this also prevents AutoCAD from crashing on OPEN.

    Does anybody have an idea what's going on here?

    Tom Berger
    Tom Berger, Feb 6, 2004
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