Unnecessary Rebuilds!

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by POH, Jan 12, 2005.

  1. POH

    POH Guest

    There are numerous operations which trigger automatic, un-interruptable
    rebuilds of an assembly; however, I will use the addition of a mate as
    one example.

    If a new mate is defined but then aborted (canceled), I think it is
    fair to suggest that the parts within the assembly have NOT been moved
    or modified. Nonetheless, in such cases, I often find that SolidWorks
    insists upon going through a complete rebuild from which there is NO

    Similarily, if a part is dragged into an assembly and the insertion
    operation is undone, an automatic rebuild kicks in.

    Often, if I open a sketch for editing, make NO change and then close
    it, the same undesirable sort of rebuild can occur.

    If the parts and/or assembly are simple, then such rebuilds may not be
    an issue. On the other hand with complex parts and large assemblies
    (especially those making use of in-context modeling), the waiting
    required for undesired rebuilds can be quite wasteful and frustrating.

    I think the user should be given more control in opting to postpone or
    escape the rebuilding process!

    The software needs to be more "intelligent" when determining whether or
    not changes have actually been made. This is true not just in relation
    to rebuilding, but also for file saving operations.

    Per O. Hoel
    POH, Jan 12, 2005
  2. POH

    cadman800 Guest

    You can right click the top level assy in the feature manager and suspend
    rebuilds of any assy

    cadman800, Jan 12, 2005
  3. POH

    POH Guest


    Thank you for the tip! I have to admit that I wasn't keenly aware of
    the "Suspend Automatic Rebuild" option and will now make active use of

    Sure you can toggle the "Suspend" option ON/OFF during any session but,
    nonetheless, it needs to be turned ON (if desired) each time the
    assembly document is loaded (something easy to forget to do) and
    doesn't address the issue of allowing the user to ESCape on the fly in
    the midst of any particular undesired rebuild.

    A related System Option which can be helpful is to choose for
    SolidWorks to "prompt" the user about rebuilding during the loading of
    assembly files instead of "always" doing so.

    Per O. Hoel
    POH, Jan 12, 2005
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