Unlock Locked elements

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by Chas, Nov 2, 2003.

  1. Chas

    Chas Guest

    I performed a "saved as" on a frameworks model to a .dgn file so I can work
    with the 3d model info as a microstation file. Problem is that many
    elements are in a locked status. To unlock I am performing an "analyze
    element" on each element then unlock so I can delete the individual elements
    I do not want to retain. But I have been unable to figure out a way to
    perform an unlock on an entire group of elements. Anyone out there have a

    thanks in advance...........
    Chas, Nov 2, 2003
  2. Try the key-in command "change unlock" with a selection set.

    Dennis Barker
    Innovision Technologies Pty Ltd
    Sydney Australia
    Dennis Barker, Nov 3, 2003
  3. "Select All" using power selector then either go to Edit Unlock or press CTRL+M

    Paco Chabelle, Nov 3, 2003
  4. You can select the elements you want unlocked and use Ctrl+M to unlock them.
    Chris HEisner, Nov 3, 2003
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