unloading a vlx

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by gward50, Dec 2, 2004.

  1. gward50

    gward50 Guest

    pardon my ignorance but I have a problem with a vlx app that I was trying out. It was a parking routine. I loaded it as instructed but now all my new drawings have blipmode on and some non standard layers added to each new drawing. Could someone please tell me how to unload a vlx app? I do not get the unload option in the load application dialog box. Thanks for helping a rookie.

    G Ward
    gward50, Dec 2, 2004
  2. gward50

    Tom Smith Guest

    You must have added it to the startup suite if it keeps loading. Go in
    there, highlight and remove it. I don't think a lisp or vlx can be unloaded
    from memory once loaded.
    Tom Smith, Dec 2, 2004
  3. gward50

    gward50 Guest

    Thanks for the reply Tom....but It is not in the startup suite.
    gward50, Dec 3, 2004
  4. gward50

    Tom Smith Guest

    Thanks for the reply Tom....but It is not in the startup suite.

    Offhand, I can't think how else a vlx would reload in every session without
    changes in your startup files. Are you sure the reloading is actually
    happening? You mentioned all your "new" drawings -- has your default drawing
    template been changed? Sure there's not an ARX appkication invloved? Type
    ARX ? to see. In that case, there might be an acad.rx file on your path
    causing it to load.

    You might search the folders on your Acad path for ALL files "containing
    text" and for the text put in whatever the name of the application is. That
    might reveal what's going on & what you need to delete to get rid of this
    turkey. Or contact whoever wrote it and ask for an explanation.
    Tom Smith, Dec 3, 2004
  5. ..mnl file?

    Autodesk Discussion Group Facilitator


    Jason Piercey, Dec 3, 2004
  6. gward50

    Tom Smith Guest

    .mnl file?

    Yeah, or an acaddoc.lsp. Seems like pretty nefarious programming practice
    though, you'd think the author would document it if the install did things
    like that.
    Tom Smith, Dec 3, 2004
  7. gward50

    gward50 Guest

    The parking routine is from adlsoft called adls parking stall program downloaded from caddepot.com. I checked my acaddoc.lsp and it has not been altered, no arx loaded that I can see, and the parking.lsp is encrypted so I can't examine it. I emailed adlsoft.com support but have received no response. These blips and layers are driving me nuts (and its a short drive)
    gward50, Dec 3, 2004
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