unknow commands

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Marco Flores, Aug 20, 2004.

  1. Marco Flores

    Marco Flores Guest

    I have problems with my autoCAD 2002, some commands some commands are
    not known.

    For example when I use the command rec, I receive a text that
    said.Unknown command "RECTANGLE". Press F1 for help

    Does anyone knows how to fix it, I don't want to install again the
    software Because I don't have privileges in my machine.

    Marco Flores, Aug 20, 2004
  2. I know what you mean. Remember the first clean install of Acad you saw?
    LAYER 0, STANDARD styles, Command prompt, empty black void on screen....
    RECTANG and RECTANGLE were both native commands. I bet the native command
    has been overwritten by someone, and then the substitute has been lost
    Michael Bulatovich, Aug 21, 2004
  3. Marco Flores

    Cadalot Guest

    I had this when installing 2002 and the only way around it was to
    re-install the product.

    Alan (Cadalot)
    Cadalot, Aug 22, 2004
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