
Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Ed Mullikin, Jul 5, 2006.

  1. Ed Mullikin

    Ed Mullikin Guest

    I've used AuotCAD LT for years but only as an amatuer to help build an
    occasional piece of furniture. How do you set the units to be used on the
    2004 version? I have the size and shape of my lot on AutoCAD but it has
    dimensioned it in inches and I can't seem to change it. I guess that I have
    the same question if I want to use millimeters (as my primary unit) to
    dimension a piece of furniture. I apologize if I'm in the wrong group.
    Ed Mullikin, Jul 5, 2006
  2. Ed Mullikin

    Ed Mullikin Guest

    If I type "units" I get a box with the heading "Drawing Units". The
    subheadings within the box are "Length", "Angle" and "Drag and drop Scale".
    I don't see any Insertion Scale. I very seldom need units in anything but
    inches but I remember being able to change versions previous to 2004. Can
    you please help me further?
    Ed Mullikin, Jul 6, 2006
  3. Ed Mullikin

    Ed Mullikin Guest

    I set the "drag & drop" to mm but nothing happened. This is frustrating
    because I could readily change units on revisions prior to 2004. I
    occasionally want to use millimeters because they are easier to work with in
    some cases. I only use the program in my hobby of wood working so I can
    live without it. Thanks.
    Ed Mullikin, Jul 6, 2006
  4. Try setting LUNITS to 2, and LUPREC to 0.
    (Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!)
    Michael Bulatovich, Jul 6, 2006
  5. Ed Mullikin

    Carl00711 Guest

    In AutoCad pre2006, units is units is units. It takes no account of the
    type of units when inserting blocks, Xrefs, etc. eg, if you draw a
    table in inches and a chair in mm, insert the chair into the table
    drawing, the chair will be 25.4X the size it ought to be.

    You will have to set the insertion scale on import of the blocks.

    Similarly, if you want to dimension something up in mm and you have
    drawn it in inches, you will have to scale up the drawing.
    Carl00711, Jul 6, 2006
  6. Ed Mullikin

    Ed Mullikin Guest

    Thanks for all of your suggestions. No more than I use AutoCAD LT 2004 I'll
    just continue to muddle along experimenting occasionally. I seem to
    remember that in previous versions I did not have this problem but that was
    a long time ago.
    Ed Mullikin, Jul 6, 2006
  7. Ed Mullikin

    Tegrof Guest

    I used fastcad for years, it was simple in practice to change units you
    just went to units command and switch to mm and everything was
    instantly rescaled to mm, switching back was the same.

    In autocad it's different, there really are no units except machine
    units. You then choose what you want to call those machine units ie.
    inches, mm, feet, etc. So to switch units in Autocad you must rescale
    your machine units to what you desire. For example if you're calling
    1 machine unit 1 inch then to switch to mm you must rescale/multiply
    everything by 25.4 so that you now of 25.4 machine units where there
    used to be 1. I don't like it because in rescaling everything you have
    to unlock all layers.
    Tegrof, Jul 19, 2006
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