Uninstalling sw2008 Beta

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Sam, Nov 3, 2007.

  1. Sam

    Sam Guest

    I am trying to uninstall sw2008 Beta but I was presented with the
    warning about transferring my license prior to uninstalling the
    software so I canceled the uninstall process. Can anyone tell me if
    when installing a beta version does solidwork record that installation
    as one of the users two installs? I do not seem to recall activing the
    beta installation but at this point I cannot remember.

    Should I follow the instructions for transfering the license prior to
    uninstalling even though it is a beta install?


    Sam, Nov 3, 2007
  2. Sam

    Anna Wood Guest

    Yes, you should return/uninstall/de-activate your license before
    uninstalling SW2008 Beta. Yes, SW counts it as an install against
    your number of installs you have available for that serial number.

    Go to Help > Transfer License. It is pretty easy and takes only a
    minute or two over the internet.


    Anna Wood
    Anna Wood, Nov 3, 2007
  3. Sam

    Krister_L Guest

    No... I got the same message, and if I recall it right, it also said
    that if You're about to install a new version after this on the same
    computer ..... A lot of people here has a number of versions on the
    same computer

    // Krister
    Krister_L, Nov 3, 2007
  4. Sam

    Krister_L Guest

    No... I got the same message, and if I recall it right, it also said
    that if You're about to install a new version after this on the same
    computer, You just proceed and SW will automatically transfer the
    license to next installation.
    Krister_L, Nov 3, 2007
  5. Sam

    Sam Guest

    I should have included that I had already installed 2008 prior to
    attempting to uninstall Beta 2008, in hindsight that is probably bad
    practice. I guess I should have uninstalled the beta version, cleaned
    up the registry then installed sw2008sp0.0. In that case I would
    probably follow Annas' suggesion of trasferring the license even
    though it does not appear to be a requirement.

    Thanks for the replys

    Sam, Nov 3, 2007
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