Unigraphics to SW2006 settings? any information

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by ryanhay, Jan 29, 2007.

  1. ryanhay

    ryanhay Guest

    I am gettinh an automotive aasembly from UG nx3, i see that sw can
    import UG parts will it bring in UG assemblies? or just part.

    ug can export out to step is this the best format and i am sure there
    are settings inside UG that can improve the export, any information of
    UG assemblies or the export setting would be greatly appreciated.


    ryanhay, Jan 29, 2007
  2. ryanhay

    That70sTick Guest

    The best way from UG to SW is parasolid. I've imported UG to SW, but
    got better results importing the same model via parasolid.
    That70sTick, Jan 29, 2007
  3. ryanhay

    ryanhay Guest

    did you have to play with his output settings? do you recall
    was it step 214?

    there are some tolerance setting that they can do on ther end.

    thanks in advance
    ryanhay, Jan 29, 2007

  4. You might need to worry about which version of Parasolid is saved. UG might
    be ahead of SW, so that you would need to have the parts and assemblies
    saved in an older version.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Jan 29, 2007
  5. ryanhay

    That70sTick Guest

    I said PARASOLID, not STEP.

    Jerry S. has a valid point. Actually, UG has been lagging behind SW
    in parasolid versions, so going from UG to SW is not a problem. Going
    back to UG, you may need to "dial back" to an earlier parasolid
    version. Parasolid v10 has always has plenty of horsepower to deliver
    even complect surface geometry.
    That70sTick, Jan 29, 2007
  6. ryanhay

    Cliff Guest

    I sort of doubt this as ParaSolid comes from UG.
    But someone might not be going to the latest releases ASAP.
    Cliff, Jan 30, 2007
  7. ryanhay

    ryanhay Guest

    great and thanks guys step and parasolid i will request parasolid 10
    to try thanks allot for the input

    I did get the assembly in UG raw format and it came through very nice.
    one of three did.

    not sure what happened to 2 and 3

    ryanhay, Jan 30, 2007
  8. ryanhay

    RugRat Guest

    Actually, UG has been lagging behind SW in parasolid versions,
    Maybe they use licensees for extended beta. <G>

    The last UG Parasolid exports I've gotten were late in 2005.
    NX3, I think.
    SCH_1600178_16004 (Parasolid version 16)
    RugRat, Jan 30, 2007
  9. ryanhay

    ryanhay Guest

    well i have got some great results from UG the asembly was surfaced
    assembly i was told not a true assy this came thru in ug format came
    in as an assy with parts fixed

    the other two did not come in no parasolid info

    i told him to save it as a parasolid 10 format and again it came thru
    very nicely
    came in as an assy with parts no error or open faces imported body for
    each part.
    ryanhay, Feb 1, 2007
  10. ryanhay

    ryanhay Guest

    thanks this help me request para 10
    ryanhay, Feb 1, 2007
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