Unigraphics NX2 - What up?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by T Bennett, Feb 5, 2004.

  1. T Bennett

    T Bennett Guest

    Has anyone heard anything good or bad about Unigraphics NX2? We had them
    come out for a demo today. It was mighty impressive. It's only about
    $12,000 per seat! Ouch! Aside from the cost, is there any major hiccups I
    should be asking about?

    Todd Bennett
    Celerity Group, Inc
    T Bennett, Feb 5, 2004
  2. http://www.cadalyst.com/cadalyst/article/articleDetail.jsp?id=79195

    A glowing review, the major "con" being the drafting interface.

    Sure costs a lot of money though.

    Richard Doyle, Feb 5, 2004
  3. "At one end of the CAD spectrum is code that seems like
    it was written in someone's garage, then turned loose on
    the masses, who in turn act as beta testers as long as they
    can endure it..."

    Too funny!

    Thanks for posting that link Richard.

    Mike J. Wilson, Feb 5, 2004
  4. Oh geez...

    I think this has been brought up before Mike. The author it turns out was
    NOT talking about SolidWorks. A search reveals that this author is really a
    fan, and has produced the same glowing reviews of SolidWorks. I posted the
    link only in response to a question, I do not want to use anything else
    besides SolidWorks (and I hope I never have to).

    Richard Doyle, Feb 5, 2004
  5. T Bennett

    Jarocki Guest

    I think that CATIA v5 or Pro/e is better chocie for more or less the same
    Jarocki, Feb 7, 2004
  6. T Bennett

    T Bennett Guest

    Between the 20 or so designer/engineers here, we use Pro/E, SolidWorks,
    AutoCAD, and Inventor. Mostly we use SolidWorks, but it tends to die on
    large assemblies. Inventor just can't do some things we need to do.

    Pro/E gets used quite a bit here, but can't say I have ever been impressed
    with anything that it does. However, it can handle large assemblies fine.
    It is a closed system that wants to keep you in a box. Wildfire is the
    closest thing to a user friendly enhancement they have had in the last 6
    years (maybe longer). For $300 million, or whatever they spent, it still is
    like using a chisel and hammer.

    NX2 was extremely impressive. I just wanted to know of any problems people
    have heard about. I don't care about comparisons. At this time, the only
    problems I've heard about applied to both Pro/E and NX2. They were small at

    1) NX2 doesn't utilize VB or VBA yet, but is expected to support VB.NET at
    its next release.
    2) EDS is a big company. Will they listen to the small fish?

    As far as these two issues stand, Pro/E is in the same boat.

    Todd Bennett
    Celerity Group, Inc
    T Bennett, Feb 10, 2004
  7. T Bennett

    T Bennett Guest

    Cliff, you're correct about the C++. I suspect you're right about the
    second point as well. At any rate, I'm having a difficult time coming up
    with any negative information about NX2 aside from the cost.

    Todd Bennett
    Celerity Group, Inc
    T Bennett, Feb 11, 2004
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