Unigraphics: CAD program of choice or force?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Bullman, Aug 28, 2003.

  1. Bullman

    Bill Guest

    A. Very few Compact II programmers left out there.
    B. You want to move to an integrated design/manufacutering system
    because the origional Compact II product was dying long before
    it was Bravo and long before EDS bought them.
    First show me the piece of Compact II code that UG will not easily do.
    Mater of fact show me your CPII source code.
    Replication meaning "accomplishing the same task with the new
    software". Ex: redoing CPII engraving source code or probing functions
    into either a GRIP or UG/Open funtion.
    The the company I worked for DID NOT ALLOW SHOP FLOOR EDITS except for
    minor feed and speed adjustments. The source never gets to the floor.
    Looking forward to some of your CompactII examples with descriptions.
    Bill, Sep 5, 2003
  2. Bullman

    jon_banquer Guest

    "Very few Compact II programmers left out there."

    One of the oldest machine shops in Phoenix still uses Compact
    II. They prefer it in many cases over UG Manufacturing
    which they also have.

    "The the company I worked for DID NOT ALLOW SHOP
    FLOOR EDITS except for minor feed and speed adjustments.
    The source never gets to the floor."

    Is this one of the companies you work for that went / is
    going broke that you are always posting about in
    alt.machines.cnc ???

    You also just posted your having trouble getting your check
    to clear and must rush to the bank every Friday. You just posted
    this a few weeks ago, right ??? Yes or no answer, please.

    So..are your saying no one else should ??? Have you told
    this to all the machine shops that purchase shop floor
    CAD/CAM systems that would rather have their machinists
    creating toolpath than some programmer sitting on his ass in
    the office who is out of touch with the whole process and
    probably has not machined anything in years. Would you like
    me to list the programs that many machine shops choose to
    use instead of UG Manufacturing because UG Manufacturing is
    not a shop floor programming systems designed for casual
    users. I define casual users as machinists who don't have
    time to sit on their ass all day behind a computer as their
    machining skill set gets rustier and rustier.

    Thanks for proving what I already knew.... UG Manufacturing
    can not duplicate the same process that Applicon NCG used.
    It's can only clumsily try to "replicate" it.

    Once again, when your measured you have come up short on the
    the FACTS..... much like when UG is compared to many
    shop floor CAD/CAM systems it also comes up short.


    A. Very few Compact II programmers left out there.
    B. You want to move to an integrated design/manufacutering system
    because the origional Compact II product was dying long before
    it was Bravo and long before EDS bought them.
    First show me the piece of Compact II code that UG will not easily do.
    Mater of fact show me your CPII source code.
    Replication meaning "accomplishing the same task with the new
    software". Ex: redoing CPII engraving source code or probing functions
    into either a GRIP or UG/Open funtion.
    The the company I worked for DID NOT ALLOW SHOP FLOOR EDITS except for
    minor feed and speed adjustments. The source never gets to the floor.
    Looking forward to some of your CompactII examples with descriptions.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
    jon_banquer, Sep 6, 2003
  3. Bullman

    jon_banquer Guest

    Hey Jon, the 90's just called: they want their software
    Hey, Bill were in the year 2003 and new software for Compact
    II is still being created.

    Surprise !!!


    "Nicam - NC Programming - Updated Ver 7.0 - High performance
    32-bit Compact II® NC/CNC Part Programming System.
    "Parametric Programming" at very low cost! If you are into
    Turning Shafts or other repetitive "family of parts"
    programming - take a look! We have customers who switched
    after paying 10x or 20x as much for Parametric Technologies
    ® stuff that "never worked".


    Pick up those new Jeff Beck CD's yet Bill or are you still
    living in the Blow by Blow days ?

    jon_banquer, Sep 6, 2003
  4. Bullman

    Bullman Guest

    I can't believe you are mocking the efficiency of SW/SE. You really are
    something special.

    U-pric. You seem to be a very obnoxious person incapable of discussing
    views that differ from your own without having to resort to personally
    mocking/belittling other posters whose views differ from your own.

    You can flood a thread (23 post here alone) with the sound of your own voice
    (so to speak) and persitantly deny/mock/belittle/refute the most basic of
    facts with an air of arrogance to detract from the issues and drown out the
    discssion. You can make a point of replying to every post (gee, he must be
    knowledgeable and clever!) and refute the most obvious of details while you
    freely state and claim whatever you like and make progressing in any real
    discussion a chore for anyone. You can repeatedly use the word "clueless"
    as if it is you who holds a monopoly on the clues (yeah right!).

    You can only do that so much until people get bored with your transparent
    methods and just find you as annoying as others have found out elsewhere.
    You are predictable and boring.

    How many people can say that the #1 search result for their name on Google
    comes up with evidence of just how annoying they have been to other people
    when discussing things online?
    See for yourself!
    www.google.com search "Cliff U-pric", I mean "Cliff Huprich"

    <snicker> (sorry, that is a U-pric special, I won't do it again)

    Sorry dude, but you really need to be told.

    Yeah. If you don't go +10 menus deep, then you are just wasting your time.

    What are you on about U-pric?

    The only one doing the insulting here (and everywhere else in this newsgroup
    and internet) is you guru U-pric

    Yeah. I mean if you don't spend +$20,000 on a CAD seat, regardless of what
    you need to do with it, you may as well forget it hey?

    Yeah, that is why people can't make a career out of it anymore.
    SW/SE is killing the need for your average engineering
    company to spend the big $ on overly complex and difficult to learn CAD
    software to meet their core needs. Almost anyone (perhaps not U-pric) can
    use it.
    If the program doesn't allow him to go +10 menus deep before accessing a
    then by definition, the program must be too simple and for kids.

    In many cases, replaced by people who realised that typing was just a means
    to an ends and nothing to create a career around. With the advent of
    computers and the PC keyboard, typing became just another skill. Big deal.

    Can anyone understand this wankers humour?

    Well it seems that way with you U-pric.

    Here he goes again. Trying to mock and belittle. Dude, go somewhere else.
    Preferebaly in front of a bus.

    Give it up idiot.
    What a Moron.

    Dude, I think you know some stuff, but you come across as a painful know-all
    jackass. Wanker.
    Bullman, Sep 7, 2003
  5. Bullman

    Tim Markoski Guest


    100% spot-on analysis.

    Cliff has never even seen SolidWorks or SolidEdge, let alone used them.
    He has no factual basis for making any claims about them.
    The fact is that he loves to get into pissing contests about subjects, of
    which he is completely IGNORANT.

    He knows NOTHING about the latest generation of CAD and CAM software.
    He has yet to even use a copy of Mastercam.
    He has never even actually run a CNC machine all by himself.

    To make matters worse, his knowledge of UG is limited what they had over 5
    years ago.
    Cliff spends his days on AOL, posting useless nonsense on USENET that has
    the intellectual value of flatulence at a Beer and Chile Festival.
    It gets everyone's attention but it's a real annoyance.

    I personally find it amusing that the self-appointed Oracle of CAD and CAM
    uses AOL
    and then has the unmitigated gall to lecture others about quality software.

    Cliff is nothing more than a troll, near-do-well with delusions of grandeur.
    He contributes nothing of value to comp.cad.solidworks or alt.machines.cnc .
    It is generally best to ignore the trolls.
    Feed them at your own peril.
    Tim Markoski, Sep 7, 2003
  6. Bullman

    Bill Guest

    So once again you cut/paste some advertisment for us and call it even.
    I can see how you got through school. Why don't you do some "real"
    research on CPTII such as learn how to use it. I'm still waiting for
    you source code examples to show me how clumsey UG would be to create
    the same solution...
    All by yourself I'd imagine.
    Lately been listening to my "old" Steve Lukather, Gary Hoey, and Joe
    Satriani cd's while driving up to the river lately for some whitewater
    kayaking. Much more interesting than anything new in cad modeling
    these days.
    Bill, Sep 10, 2003
  7. Bullman

    jon_banquer Guest

    "So once again you cut/paste some advertisment for us and
    call it even. I can see how you got through school."

    They keyword in my response to your nonsense will
    be... FUN !!!

    Not much opportunity to cut and paste in trade school, Bill.
    You learn to use a mill, a lathe, a grinder, CAD/CAM and
    have... FUN !!!

    "I'm still waiting for you source code examples to show me
    how clumsey UG would be to create the same solution..."

    Come on out to Phoenix and I take you into a shop that will
    enjoy telling you were you can stick UG. *I will*
    have... FUN !!!

    "Lately been listening to my "old" Steve Lukather, Gary Hoey, and Joe
    Satriani cd's"

    Sounds like... FUN !!!

    "while driving up to the river lately for some whitewater

    Sounds like... FUN !!!
    these days.

    Download the 90 day version of IronCAD and learn to use it's
    tri-ball, intellishapes, etc. and tell me why UG isn't this
    easy or.... FUN !!!

    Get your hands on a copy of thinkdesign / thinkshape and
    experience Global Shape Modeling then tell me why UG
    surfacing isn't this easy or... FUN !!!

    Are we having FUN yet ???



    So once again you cut/paste some advertisment for us and call it even.
    I can see how you got through school. Why don't you do some "real"
    research on CPTII such as learn how to use it. I'm still waiting for
    you source code examples to show me how clumsey UG would be to create
    the same solution...
    All by yourself I'd imagine.
    Lately been listening to my "old" Steve Lukather, Gary Hoey, and Joe
    Satriani cd's while driving up to the river lately for some whitewater
    kayaking. Much more interesting than anything new in cad modeling
    these days.
    jon_banquer, Sep 10, 2003
  8. Bullman

    Habib Guest

    What value you make here?
    Please please please let him be.

    Love from Habib
    Habib, Oct 19, 2003
  9. Bullman

    pete Guest

    What a load of crap!
    pete, Oct 19, 2003
  10. Bullman

    JJ Guest

    It really is bad form to attack someone just because they have not fully
    mastered the language. Habib's message certainly comes thru and is one which
    many have conveyed before. Simply put, "Please use this forum as it was
    intended - to help each other. Posting antagonistic and personally
    insulting comments is of no value to anyone."

    Love from JJ

    JJ, Oct 19, 2003
  11. Bullman

    flyboy 2160 Guest

    i'm with cliff.

    the incompetents who post cad choice advice to other people based on
    just company advertsing rather than on firsthand experience with the
    software deserve the antagonism they get. they are deceiving people by
    posing as knowing something about what they are talking about.

    stick it to 'em, cliff
    flyboy 2160, Oct 20, 2003
  12. Bullman

    JJ Guest

    I agree that Banquer is, to borrow Huprich's mantra, clueless. We pretty
    much all understand that and wish he would go away.
    By the same token, Huprich's incessant and lengthy rebuttals, IMHO, add no
    value add only double the volume of crap on the NG.

    If it was restricted to this then it would be less annoying but, as many
    others have pointed out, the obnoxious tone flows into many other responses.
    People primarily come to the NG for help and not for scorn or sarcastic
    replies by those who seem to think they know it all. Banquer deserves no
    courtesy but others do.

    I find it to be both perplexing and sad that neither of them use the product
    but can find the time to post so often.

    JJ, Oct 20, 2003
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