Uniform pc3/page layout deployment

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Michael S. Youla, Mar 6, 2005.

  1. I have been follwing with interest the many posts here about 2005 and
    various plotting problems. What I've been looking for is an answer to
    the following question:
    Drafting department all has same OS - Windows XP. All have Autocad 2005.
    However, when I use add-a-plotter wizard to set up a plotter on my
    machine, and then create a page setup that calls this pc3 file, it won't
    work on everyone else's machine. I suspect it is because Autodesk, in
    their wisdom, has chosen to bury the plotter support path in Documents
    and Settings/Local User/Application Data... etc - thus the path that is
    saved in the pc3 file contains the local user's name, which of course
    does not exist on other people's machines.
    Surely Autodesk has thought about this, and I am simply being too dense
    to see how I can get all my users plotting with the same page setups and
    plotter definitions. (In other words, a shared dwt file)
    Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
    Thank you,
    Michael Youla
    Michael S. Youla, Mar 6, 2005
  2. Michael S. Youla

    John Schmidt Guest

    We just change the plotter paths in AutoCAD Option settings to point to the
    same location on each user's computer, copy the .pc3 files there - 'no
    problems at all.

    John Schmidt, Mar 7, 2005
  3. Michael S. Youla

    Gordon Price Guest

    Or put your plot info on the server. I store plotter and plot style info on
    a server share, with no problems. everyone uses the same PC3, PMP and
    CTB/STB files. As long as you have a homogenious network, OS and Acad wise,
    you should have no problems at all.
    And for standalone installs, I still store everything in a better location
    than the default labrynth. The only reason for that is WinXP certification.
    You want certification, you do it the Microsoft way, even when they are dead

    Just my $0.02 anyway.

    Gordon Price, Mar 7, 2005
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