unhandled exception error

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by SBS, Jul 21, 2006.

  1. SBS

    SBS Guest

    Running XPpro SP2. I have just installed Land Desktop 3 (2002). The
    program will not start. On launch I get an "unhandled execption error in
    the acadmap.arx file. If i rename this file to skip load acad will start
    fine but i do not have any of the Map functions!! Can't seem to find much
    about this problem online. Anyboby know how to resolve this issue?
    SBS, Jul 21, 2006
  2. SBS

    SBS Guest

    No I am not, I have Trend Mirco officescan running on it. It is also
    running on identical Dell laptops just fine. It is only this one machine
    that poses the problem
    SBS, Jul 21, 2006
  3. SBS

    sakoguy Guest

    A number of things could be responsible.

    1. Make sure that OfficeScan, and any other antispam software etc., is
    not runnng when you install LDD.

    2. The install on the one laptop may have not completed without
    unreported errors. Do a complete uninstall. Look for document TS45252
    on the Autodesk website. This document describes how to completely
    uninstall an Autodesk product to ensure a clean reinstall.

    3. You will not find anything about your problem with LDD 2002 and
    Windows Xp because the 2002 Autodesk products are not supported on
    Windows XP. Technical support, other than what is available on the
    Autodesk Knowledge Base, for all the 2002 products was dropped in July
    2005 when the 2002 products were retired. In fact the entire 2004
    product line is retired as of this month and will no longer be

    CAD consultant and part-time Autodesk support for a reseller
    sakoguy, Jul 22, 2006
  4. SBS

    Ivan Guest

    Bitter experience has taught me not to use Nortons, Trend or McAfee
    Antivirus with any graphical application . . . .

    Try AVG - works well , daily updates and uses little memory & resources


    Ivan the Lurker
    Ivan, Jul 28, 2006
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