Unexpected Benefit of 2004's Section View Capability

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Per O. Hoel, May 3, 2004.

  1. Per O. Hoel

    Per O. Hoel Guest

    After importing an IGES file of an assembly with components
    represented by surfaces that could not be stitched into solids
    directly (or easily without a lot of manual patching), I nonetheless
    had the need to quickly view it in cross-section.

    I knew that without valid solids there was no way to actually cut
    through the assembly to view the interior so, with nothing to lose,
    the View/Display/Section View (main menu option) was put to the test.

    The results (in shaded mode) were excellent and quite useful for
    visualization, even though the sectioning only works in preview.

    Per O. Hoel
    Per O. Hoel, May 3, 2004
  2. Per O. Hoel

    kellnerp Guest

    Perhaps the preview is done in the graphics card while the final section has
    to be done with the actual geometry so you can pick on things.
    kellnerp, May 5, 2004
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