Undocumented Mouse Behavior in 2004

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Jerry Forcier, Oct 30, 2003.

  1. Hello all,

    Since installing 2004 I have noticed an intermittent peculiar mouse
    wheel action.

    Sometimes, when rotating, the model locks into rotation about an
    invisible axis and swings like it was hinged. If I release the wheel
    and then start rotating again, the strangeness goes away. Upon
    experimenting, I found that it only happened when I was zooming in or
    out and then went immediately into rotation, without any delay. I have
    been unable to control it to my advantage, other than to note that it
    will usually choose an axis normal to the face where the mouse cursor
    was while zooming.

    Has anyone else noticed this behavior?

    My mouse is a Wireless Intellimouse Explorer running Intellipoint driver
    Nvidia 980 XGL driver
    Intel 3.06 GHz 2 gig RAM

    Jerry Forcier
    Jerry Forcier, Oct 30, 2003
  2. Jerry Forcier

    Dave H Guest

    I discovered this during Beta. What is happpening is you can pick an
    edge edge with the wheel button and then click and hold the wheel button
    again to rotate as normal and it will rotate about that edge that was
    picked. Sometimes it seams to pick an edge under the curser when you
    just try to do a normal rotate. You need to click again to release the
    edge. The ability to pick and rotate about an edge is great but it
    seams a little qwerky at times.

    Dave H
    Dave H, Oct 30, 2003
  3. Jerry Forcier

    Chris Guest

    also points (corners) and cylindrical edges (rot about axis) - although this
    last is a bit hit and miss...
    Chris, Oct 30, 2003
  4. Jerry Forcier

    Jay Guest

    It is documented and in the "whats new" manual.

    Mostly works pretty good. I have found that some of the new MS mouse
    drivers don't work that well with the SW middle mouse roller. I tried to
    get the new side tilting wheel mouse to work and it had problems.

    Jay, Oct 30, 2003
  5. you need to turn off the intelliwheel for that the solidworks application.
    You have to do this every time you install or upgrade solidworks.

    Steve Tietz \(renderman\), Oct 30, 2003
  6. Hello again, and thanks to everyone. I finally figured it out with your
    help - I have to click the line using the WHEEL, then release and rotate
    like always to get the new action. This is very cool - I can eliminate my
    'R' key to get into this useful mode without using both hands. Then, again,
    maybe my mousing hand needs a break - not more duty cycle!

    Thanks all,
    Jerry Forcier
    Jerry Forcier, Oct 31, 2003
  7. Jerry Forcier

    Arlin Guest

    Yes, I like the new view manipulation tools (ability to use the MMB to
    click on a point/edge/plane and rotate about it). It eliminates the
    need to use the rotate tool. I have a MS Intellimouse in which I bind
    the large thumb button to CNTRL and the small thumb button to SHIFT. In
    this way, all view manipulation can easily be handled with the mouse and
    one hand.

    HOWEVER, my PET PEEVE with mouse view manipulation in SWX is how the
    graphics window seems to loose the mouse link in certain situations.
    Thus, the mouse rotate and wheel zoom won't work until you click in the
    graphics area. For instance: Click on a feature in the FM Tree. Then
    move the mouse over the window and try to zoom with the scroll wheel.
    You cant until you click.

    I think there are lots of other situations in SWX where the mouse
    behaves this way and it ALWAYS SEEMS TO PISS ME OFF!!!
    Arlin, Oct 31, 2003
  8. Arlin,

    About you pet peeve; The way I deal with that is to click with the mouse
    wheel itself. It's kind of like a really heavy handed zoom by rolling the
    wheel. This works for me a lot better than changing my synaptic response
    and shifting to a different finger.

    Jerry Forcier
    Jerry Forcier, Nov 1, 2003
  9. Jerry Forcier

    Arlin Guest

    About you pet peeve; The way I deal with that is to click with the mouse
    Yes, I do the same. It just often catches me of guard. Sometimes you
    need to first click, and other times it works without the extra effort.

    I just wish it would always work and never need to click. If the mouse
    point is in the graphics area, view manipulation mode should be
    Arlin, Nov 1, 2003
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