undo command having no visible effect (sometimes)

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by andrei, Sep 9, 2003.

  1. andrei

    andrei Guest

    Hi, when I use undo (ctrl-z), it usually types _u <command name> and
    undoes it. Sometimes it simply prints _u <blank space> and seems to do
    nothing at all. I have to do this many many times, maybe hit ctrl-z
    10-20 times until it does undo something. I searched this newsgroup
    for answers but I only come up with complaints about undo working on
    zoom and pan commands - I don't mind that at all. I looked at help
    file but it does not mention this issue.. or at least I could not spot


    - Andrei
    andrei, Sep 9, 2003
  2. andrei

    john Guest

    Some commands do not produce visible change to the display so "U"
    doesn't either.
    Some commands can't be undone - like Save.
    Do you ever use UNDO in place of U ?The full command name can be
    followed by a number to represent the number of steps to go back. U by
    itself is equivalent to UNDO 1. The beauty of this is that a REDO
    immediately after the UNDO + number takes you back to where you were.
    So you could go -
    UNDO 50
    (not far enough)
    UNDO 50
    (too far)
    (return by 50 steps)
    UNDO 20
    (not far enough)
    UNDO 10

    John B

    johnbogie btinternet.com
    Put the "at" in the gap.
    john, Sep 9, 2003
  3. andrei

    Mr. B Guest

    A bit of a long shot (unless I've missed the point here)... tried to see if
    RegenMode is turned off?

    Mr. B, Sep 10, 2003
  4. andrei

    P.C. Guest


    You are quite right, ------ and then there are the option with "Mark"
    "U" "M" , will produce a mark that the undo will jump to skipping all the Undo
    single commands , and stopping Undo at the first Mark it encounter, then at the
    next Mark put in the drawing.

    P.C., Sep 10, 2003
  5. andrei

    andrei Guest

    I don't use 10-20 of these commands in a row.. Besides, I should see
    the name of the command that is being undone after _u, right?
    This is a very useful tip - thanks a lot. I'm sure I'll use it much,
    but it's not very useful for my problem because I don't know when or
    how many of these "blank undo's" will be, so I can't say, okay, there
    is gonna be 20 of them now, so I should type undo 20.

    At any rate, thanks, to you and all others who answered.

    - Andrei
    andrei, Sep 10, 2003
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