Underdefined assemblies

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Tom Gardner, Aug 22, 2008.

  1. Tom Gardner

    Tom Gardner Guest

    I seem to have a reoccurring issue that my assemblies are underdefined. Is
    there an easy way to see why? I'm obviously no SW wizard and just bang-out what
    I need. My assemblies are usually under 50 parts and not too complicated.
    Tom Gardner, Aug 22, 2008
  2. More information is required.
    The first is an awkward question, but... are you mating things as they
    are added to the assembly? Expand the paper clip (mategroup) and
    describe what's in there. Those mates are what defines your assembly.
    Do your assemblies have multiple configurations? A VERY common
    problem is not making sure that mates propogate to all configurations,
    especially if you add components after configurations already exist in
    the top-level assembly.
    Edward T Eaton, Aug 26, 2008
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