Unbalance measurement

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by marcellen, Feb 22, 2007.

  1. marcellen

    marcellen Guest

    Hi guys, I have a wheel bearing drawn in Pro/E.

    Does anybody knows how to evaluate the unbalance in [g*mm] ?

    marcellen, Feb 22, 2007
  2. marcellen

    dgp Guest

    1) In WF 3 (similar in previous versions): Measure>Model>Mass
    2) Pick coordinate system at center of axis of rotation.
    3) If the density is defined correctly, this will give the mass and
    center of gravity (CG). Multiply the mass (gram) by the distance (mm)
    from the center of gravity to the axis of rotation. This is the
    imbalance in g*mm.

    The distance from the CG to the axis of rotatation can be calculated
    or you can create a point at the CG location and measure the distance
    to the axis of rotation. Measure to an axis not a coordinate system
    because the axial direction does not affect imbalance.

    Dave Parker
    dgp, Feb 22, 2007
  3. marcellen

    marcellen Guest

    Excellent. Thanks a lot!

    marcellen, Feb 22, 2007
  4. marcellen

    David Janes Guest

    Sorry, I really don't get this. How can the CG differ from the center of
    rotation? Accuracy factor? Or at least if you have a constant section
    rotated 360 degrees around an axis. Especially when you're talking about
    digital models. Don't think you'd pick up string theory's vibrations at this
    scale. So, center of mass and center of rotation ought to be coincident. At
    least in the plane normal to the axis.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Feb 24, 2007
  5. marcellen

    dgp Guest

    I assume the original poster has a valid reason to expect the part to
    be imbalanced. If the wheel bearing is a simple revolved feature I
    agree that the CG and axis of revolution will be coincindent and the
    imbalance will be zero. However, the CG can be offset from the axis of
    rotation if the feature is not a simple revolved feature and has some
    asymmetric feature. Or perhaps the nominal part is perfectly balanced,
    but the original poster is interested in modeling the imbalance at
    worst case tolerances.

    Dave Parker
    dgp, Feb 26, 2007
  6. marcellen

    David Janes Guest

    Maybe we're expecting too much of digital models. Granted, he may know, FOR
    A FACT, that the part is unbalanced (the wheel balancing machine told him
    so!) Then, is he somehow modeling an unbalanced wheel trying to simulate the
    balance results in Pro/e? Good trick, since you can't spin your model and
    get the unbalance that way. The unbalance you get with a model is, at best,
    static. With an actual spinning wheel, it is dynamic: some unbalance factor
    turns into some changing amount of vibration (what the wheel balancer
    Thanks for acknowledging this. It seems to be the dominant one.
    Yes, an interesting possibility. But, he did say "a bearing" so probably not
    a keyway. I'm stumped, maybe marcellen could weigh in with some particulars
    about how this could be offset from the center of rotation.
    Can Pro/e do this? Take the nominally perfect revolved section (whose CG and
    axis of rotation are both 0,0) and produce, by virtue of a profile tolerance
    of .001, an egg shaped bearing, 90% of whose profile is at min and 10% is at
    max allowed diameter and then produce some offset of CG from center of
    rotation? Would be nice but I don't know of any such function within Pro/e,
    especially since there are an infinite number of profiles and offsets that
    could accomodate some such scenario. I could see making this a function of
    something like Pro/CAST and placing the imported data from Pro/SCAN TOOLS
    into this type of analysis to calculate if a maching allowance can be
    accomdated by an inspected casting. So, as a way to compare scanned parts
    (incoming inspection) with engineering models, this could be of great use.
    But to compare theoretically perfect models with theoretically imperfect
    ones? Don't think Pro/e has the chops for that. Couple of orders of
    magnitude beyond Pro/e's capabilities.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Feb 27, 2007
  7. marcellen

    dgp Guest

    David I appreciate your knowledge and efforts in contributing to this
    newsgroup. The original post was a valid question and I assume the
    poster had a good reason to ask it. My answer was a valid answer for
    how to calculate the static imbalance as a mass*moment arm. This is
    what the original poster implied when he asked for a single value in

    Dynamic imbalance moments can also be calculated using ProE (without
    spinning the CAD model) using these equations:
    Mx = Iyz*w^2
    My = - Ixz*w2

    Where z as the axis of rotation, w is the constant rotational speed,
    Iyz and Ixz are the moments of inertia about CSYS aligned with axis of
    rotation, and Mx & My are the resulting "imbalance" moments about the
    x and y axes.

    I was only speculating that the original poster might be considering
    tolerances (e.g. concentricity of the inner and outer race). I did not
    mean to imply that ProE could automatically apply blueprint tolerances
    to the mass properties. However, you can create a CAD model with
    geometry at worst case tolerances for analysis purposes. In my company
    we typically analyze nominal parts. Then if any region of concern is
    noted, we create a separate CAD model with worst case geometry for
    further analysis. Note that "worst-case" may be min material, max
    material, or some combination of min/max material conditions in
    different regions. Furthermore, geometry that is "worst-case" for a
    particular region may not be "worst-case" for another.

    Dave Parker
    West Palm Beach, FL
    dgp, Feb 27, 2007
  8. marcellen

    David Janes Guest

    David I appreciate your knowledge and efforts in contributing to this
    newsgroup. The original post was a valid question and I assume the
    poster had a good reason to ask it. My answer was a valid answer for
    how to calculate the static imbalance as a mass*moment arm. This is
    what the original poster implied when he asked for a single value in

    Dynamic imbalance moments can also be calculated using ProE (without
    spinning the CAD model) using these equations:
    Mx = Iyz*w^2
    My = - Ixz*w2

    Where z as the axis of rotation, w is the constant rotational speed,
    Iyz and Ixz are the moments of inertia about CSYS aligned with axis of
    rotation, and Mx & My are the resulting "imbalance" moments about the
    x and y axes.

    I was only speculating that the original poster might be considering
    tolerances (e.g. concentricity of the inner and outer race). I did not
    mean to imply that ProE could automatically apply blueprint tolerances
    to the mass properties. However, you can create a CAD model with
    geometry at worst case tolerances for analysis purposes. In my company
    we typically analyze nominal parts. Then if any region of concern is
    noted, we create a separate CAD model with worst case geometry for
    further analysis. Note that "worst-case" may be min material, max
    material, or some combination of min/max material conditions in
    different regions. Furthermore, geometry that is "worst-case" for a
    particular region may not be "worst-case" for another.

    Dave, what is this "worst-case" scenario geometry? If it's simply a smaller diameter, it will not run out of round and vibrate (the OP's concern?). Will it be some kind of eccentric of a profile tolerance? where and how much variation? you must specify and, as I said before, there's an infinite number of possible variations within any profile.

    You provided the correct theoretical answer. At the same time, production has managed to solve, within well known limits, most of these problems. What I'm not seeing from the educational community, the theoretical community, the mathematical community is a) a recognition that these well known engineering problems have well known practical solutions, b) the design tools can reflect and incorporate those design features. So, each time the "theoretical" problem is posed, real world engineering doesn't get set back 300 years, as if the problems had not, in fact, been solved and c) 95% of engineering grads know nothing about those practical solutions to the well known problems and act, for a decade at least, as if they're required to reinvent the wheel. In contrast, a very experienced engineer I met recently gave me the opposite dictum: don't make a custom part when an off-the-shelf part will do. Generally, in spite of the prejudices of the junior engineers, these are the better made parts (with realistic and consistently realizable tolerances). They're also cheaper and over-night deliverable.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Mar 24, 2007
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