Unable to open default configuration

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by david, Jul 12, 2007.

  1. david

    david Guest

    Hi there,
    I've got a problem with a multi-body part file created in SW2006 SP4.
    I'm unable to revert back to the default configuration. It just hangs
    for an eternity. I can save, edit, rebuild etc in the derived
    configuration but just can't get back to the default config. This
    means I'm unable to open the main assembly file either as this
    contains references to the default configuration version of the part
    Firstly. Can I change the referenced file in the assembly from default
    to derived without having to open it? If so then I would like to think
    that the assembly would then open. At the moment it just hangs up
    liike the part file.
    Secondly. Can I delete the default config in the part file and if so
    will the derived config then become the default?
    Is there another work around for this problem?
    This multi body part is referenced by a lot of other part files in the
    assembly with regard to sketch entities etc.
    david, Jul 12, 2007
  2. If you delete a config with a derived config under it, they both disappear.
    But with only the part file open, you can create a new config based on the
    derived config, delete your default config, then rename the new one to
    default. Then when you open your assy, it should look at that newly renamed
    default, rather than the old one. Or you could forego the renaming and just
    let it not find default and then use the current config, which would be your
    new one. Either way it should let you open the assy.

    You should also send that part file to your VAR to see if SW can learn
    anything about why it failed.

    Wayne Tiffany, Jul 12, 2007
  3. david

    solidsmack Guest

    I agree with Wayne. Rename the default. Switch to a different config.
    Save it. Then open the assembly referencing that part. It will use the
    currently saved config.

    solidsmack, Jul 12, 2007
  4. This brings up one of SolidWork's more stupid inconsistencies. I can't
    rename a configuration if an assembly and/or drawing that uses that
    configuration is open. I can rename a part if the assembly and/or drawing is
    open, in fact, this is the best way to do it if I want to keep the links to
    the new name. Why can't I do the same for a configuration?

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Jul 12, 2007
  5. david

    Jean Marc Guest

    You're right, this one is SOOO stupid I do not think bitching about it
    Jean Marc, Jul 13, 2007
  6. david

    david Guest

    Thanks Wayne,
    That did the trick. Tried it out first on a test part and assembly
    then backed up the project folder just in case. Back up and running
    now. Thanks a lot.
    david, Jul 13, 2007
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