Unable to generate schematic from netlist!!!! Please help!

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Samiran, Feb 23, 2010.

  1. Samiran

    Samiran Guest

    Hi All,

    I am trying to generate schematic from a netlist using (File > Import
    CDL Netlist File: /home/sdam/netlist
    Output Library: Samiran
    Output View Name: schematic
    Reference Library List: analogLib

    The Input netlist is as follows:

    // Library name: Samiran
    // Cell name: TestMyCkt
    // View name: schematic
    COUTPUT (net9 0) capacitor c=1p
    RM2 (0 net9) resistor r=1/gdM2
    RM1 (net9 0) resistor r=1/gdM1
    VINPUT (net013 0) vsource mag=1m type=sine ampl=1m freq=1K
    GM1 (net013 0 net9 0) vccs gm=gmM1

    and then executed the CDL In. it says:
    "CDL In has successfully imported the CDL netlist. Read log file
    ni.log for more information."

    But, no schematic view has been created!!!!!

    Please please help me!!!! I am not able to figure it out............. :

    Thanks & regards
    Samiran, Feb 23, 2010
  2. Samiran

    Riad KACED Guest

    Hi Samiran,

    Have you read through the ni.log as advised ?
    This log will help debugging your case. Please post if possible

    BTW, you can look at the 'Design Data Translator’s Reference' Manual
    from your Cadence installtion : $CDSHOME/doc/transref/transref.pdf

    Riad KACED, Feb 27, 2010
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