Unable to create new cell view

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by medford.place, Nov 29, 2008.

  1. Hello All,

    I went back and tried to add some addition parameters into my
    functional verilog code (resetall, celldeffine, delay_mode_path, and
    timescale). In the process of adding these delay parameters,
    something broke and my inverter input no longer changes state. I
    spend most of the day trying to remove all these different parameters
    but I can't get back to the point where I had a working output plot of
    my functional code.

    My next step was to just delete my functional block for the inverter
    and just recreate it. I deleted the functional block in the library
    manager window and now my entire library is broken. I am no longer
    able to create a new view in any of my cells. Here is the error that
    I am getting;

    Library Manager new cellview request for cell "ee103 NOR2"
    *WARNING* '/h/dzawac01/ee103/cds.lib', Line 3: Cannot find file '/loc/
    *WARNING* '/h/dzawac01/ee103/cds.lib', Line 3: Skipping '/loc/packages/
    * Field is "appName" *
    *Error* hiCreateCyclicField: prompt and choices are required non-nil

    Digital design is not that difficult, but doing it in Cadence is
    extremely frustrating.


    medford.place, Nov 29, 2008
  2. I suggest you contact Cadence Customer Support. It's rather hard to tell from
    the symptoms you describe precisely what the problem is.

    In general it shouldn't be hard, but something is messed up in your environment,
    by the sound of things.


    Andrew Beckett, Jan 1, 2009
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