Un-funny Things Happening in my SW Toolbox

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Aron Bacs, Jr., Jul 8, 2005.

  1. Hi,

    Every time a place certain things from the toolbox, in this case 6-32 CLS
    Pem Nuts,

    I get this warning:

    "A document named "Self-cinching Nut_PMI" is already opened. Do you want to
    show this already-opened document?"

    I do not have anything opened, other than the sheet metal part I wish to add
    this hardware to.

    The strange thing is that I can bring in a M2.5x0.45 Pem Nut and it is the
    normal dialog, i.e. the transparent Pem Nut which tries to mate up with the
    hole as you approach it.

    - In Contrast -

    The 6-32 Pem Nut shows only a "+" at the cursor, and when you approach the
    hole and release the mouse button, the dialog begins with the above
    mentioned warning.

    Why does this happen and how do I get all of my toolbox to act "normal".

    I have gone as far as to completely uninstall SW and then reinstall.
    Deleting file directories and also gong thru the registry... This is driving
    me insane!

    The notes I have read online about making sure certain directories are read
    only, etc. have been done before the reinstall. I felt if a reinstall was
    done it would clear up this problem... yeh right!

    SW2005, SP3.1

    Thanks for any help,

    Aron Bacs, Jr., Jul 8, 2005
  2. Thanks Dirk,

    I will give it a try...and let you know!

    Aron Bacs, Jr., Jul 14, 2005
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