Sorry about the double posting, but I want as many people to see this as possible in hopes that there might be a solution... ====================================================================== I am having a great deal of problems with a project I have been assigned to. Essentially, here is what I need to do: WHAT I HAVE 1. UMC 0.18 gds file (NOT GDSII). 2. UMC 0.18 TF File 3. UMC 0.18 .DRF File WHAT I NEED TO DO 1. Stream in the UMC 0.18 gds file using the technology file and design rule file. I need to be able to view the layout of this file. 2. Once the layout has been confirmed, I need to convert the layout into the TSMC 0.18 technology. PROBLEMS I AM HAVING 1. I cannot view the UMC 0.18 file. Please see the link below for a detailed explanation, using screen shots to view everything that I see. [URL][/URL] 2. Obviously, I cannot convert the layout to the TSMC 0.18 technology because I am having problems getting past the first step. But once I get here, how do I go about completing this step? I realize that I need a layer map, but will MOSIS (or any other company) provide a layer map to go from UMC 0.18 technology to TSMC 0.18 technology? Are there any other steps that I will need to follow? ANY advice is welcome, even those that will not solve this problem completely. Any help is appreciated. Also, please let me know if you need any other information that I have not provided. Thank you so much for your help in advance. - zielstep