ultrasim w/ VCD and hierarchical mapping

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by oliver, Apr 13, 2007.

  1. oliver

    oliver Guest

    Has anyone ever used verilog value change dump stimuli (VCD file) in
    ultrasim with hierarchical
    mapping to set stimuli to signals in lower levels of analog netlists?

    I managed to use a VCD file with flat mapping of stimuli to signals at
    the netlist toplevel, but
    when I try mapping a VCD file hierarchically (.hier 1 in the .info
    file), the simulation runs,
    but the stimuli is not taken into account.

    Here's a testcase with the signal I've defined in the .vcd file:
    $scope module bench_analog_top $end
    $var wire 1 ! xosc16M_clkvalid $end
    $upscope $end
    $enddefinitions $end
    b0 !
    b1 !

    and the .info file:

    .alias *[*] *_*
    .hier 1
    .scope bench_analog_top
    .vih 2.7 xosc16M_clkvalid
    .in xosc16M_clkvalid
    .alias xosc16M_clkvalid Ianalog_top.xosc16M_clkvalid

    where "Ianalog" is an instance of the cell "analog_top" in the
    testbench "bench_analog_top".
    "xosc16M_clkvalid" is a pin of cell "analog_top".

    Any idea what's wrong?

    oliver, Apr 13, 2007
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